Corrupt wordpress
On my webhost I have several wordpress installations. Last autumn I had problems with several of them. It seemed like something in the wordpress setup was corrupt.1. The wp-admin login screen looked strange (the wordpress logo was gone and instead there was the name of the site – almost non styled)
2. In the wordpress menu the dropdown menus doesnt appear when mousehovering. I have to press the menu item to get the drop down
3. The buttons in the wordpress admin area looks unstyled
4. The appearance-menus looks unstyledIt seems like I have lost some sort of basic styling rules and also maybe a function for hover over the wordpress admin menu.
This problem caused me to rebuild alot of the sites from the beginning. I have checked the sites regular every week and today it has happened again on all of my sites.
The webhost says that they dont support wordpress – but something has happened even on sites where I have not even done anything (i havent even logged in).
One of the affected sites is
Does anybody have any idea why this might have happened?
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