• Hello there!

    I’m developing my first WordPress theme and I have a helluva good time figuring things out. But I’m bit stumped on this seemingly simple problem!

    1. Let’s say I have a text area in the customizer.
    2. I have sanitized the input using wp_kses_post and force_balance_tags.

    Now I want to escape the output BUT I want to allow anyone using my theme to add links <a href="#">Link</a> to this text area. Esc_html, esc_atr or any of the other escapes won’t allow this. Sanitize_text_field won’t allow this either. So what’s the correct way to handle this? Am I missing something? Or should I forget about escaping /sanitization output?

    BTW regarding wp_kses_post on output:

    Note that the kses system can be resource-intensive, and should therefore not be run as an output sanitization filter directly, but as a filter to data after it has been input and processed, before it is saved in the database. WordPress runs kses on the pre_comment_content filter, for example, to filter the HTML before saving the comment.

    Any help/thoughts will be appreciated! Thank you!

    Best regards,


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  • Not a problem I’ve run into, so there may well be a better answer, but you may want to provide a shortcode for users to enter links with, rather than allow HTML to be input. BBCodes are a pretty decent standard to use, because they look like shortcodes.

    As I say, just a thought, though one I’ve stolen from phpBB, which outlawed HTML some years ago, but does allow BBCodes to accomplish the same thing.

    The BBCode for links is [url]url[/url] or [url=url]text[/url]

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