• Resolved ikiterder



    This code was written to me ChatGPT

    // 91. Comment Author Gravatar URL
    if( ! function_exists('ampforwp_get_comments_gravatar') ){
    function ampforwp_get_comments_gravatar( $comment ) {
    global $redux_builder_amp;
    if(isset($redux_builder_amp['ampforwp-display-avatar']) && $redux_builder_amp['ampforwp-display-avatar'] == 0){
    return '';
    if (class_exists('FV_Gravatar_Cache')) {
    $options = get_option('fv_gravatar_cache');
    $size = !empty($options['size']) ? $options['size'] : '96';
    $email_hash = md5(strtolower(trim($comment->comment_author_email)));
    $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    $cache_dir = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/fv-gravatar-cache/';
    $cache_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/fv-gravatar-cache/';

    $cached_avatar_path = $cache_dir . $email_hash . 'x' . $size . '.png';
    $default_avatar_url = $cache_url . 'mystery' . esc_html($size) . '.png';

    if (file_exists($cached_avatar_path)) {
    $avatar_url = $cache_url . $email_hash . 'x' . $size . '.png';
    } else {
    $avatar_url = $default_avatar_url;

    return $avatar_url;

    $gravatar_exists = ampforwp_gravatar_checker($comment->comment_author_email);

    if (null !== ampforwp_get_wp_user_avatar($comment, 'comment')) {
    return ampforwp_get_wp_user_avatar($comment, 'comment');
    } elseif ($gravatar_exists) {
    return get_avatar_url($comment, apply_filters('ampforwp_get_comments_gravatar', '60'), '');
    } else {
    return apply_filters('ampforwp_get_comments_gravatar', '');
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