copy to another LAN server.
Got years on my WordPress and easy to set up a cheap server with low power in the house.
When I press update if I could get it to do the same on a copy of WordPress on the other server.
Did find 2 plugins but can’t get one to work. The other one works good but have to pay yearly and it will not send videos I drag and drop on my main WordPress.
The plugin’s are: “WPSiteSync for Content” can’t get that to work and “WP Remote Users Sync” that have to pay for and works good but if I put a video in I have to like hand drag and drop the video in the other server and not update the main server before I put a video or videos in it.
Looked for other plugins but can’t find any maybe not searching for the right words.
Got this on my LAN but I can get to the main server from WWW so I can type thing while away from home got a 443 https port forward to it.
Did test the moutisite all most built in to WordPress but that’s on the same server. I want it to be on another one just incase something goes wrong.
Hope someone can help.
-Raymond Day
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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