• Hello friends,
    I have one problem. I have 2 blogs on 2 domains but I would like use one mySQL with the same articles.


    if there any plugin which copy one category or selected posts on other blog?

    I can”t use RSS!
    Please help me!


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  • Howdy,

    Are you wanting content to be available on both blogs, even as you add new content?

    You will not want to hook both blogs to the same database.

    You could consider posting on one blog, then Exporting posts from it and Importing into the other. But, you would have to do that every time you post.

    Lastly, if you can’t use RSS, then I don’t know of another practical way to do this. Shame that you can’t use RSS, as there are plugins that will create posts for you FROM an RSS feed.

    Good luck,

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