Hello @colinsp,
Yes. Now you can use the shortcode which creates a copy link and you can set any target which you want to copy.
If you want to target post title then you can add the selector with shortcode:
E.g. Your post title class is .post-title
then you can use shortcode as:
[copy target=".post-title"]
The above shortcode shows the link with copy text and on click on it copy the post title.
If you want to show the copy link as a button with different text then you can use it as:
[copy target=".post-title" tag="button" text="Copy Post Title" copied-text="Post Title Copied!"]
Read more in the article https://maheshwaghmare.com/doc/copy-anything-to-clipboard/#shortcode
Let me know for any help, Or I’ll close this topic as resolved.