Hi @bestranger, thank you for your time to write the review.
There is no single line of code copied from the Flatsome theme. If it was, the theme won’t get accepted to the www.remarpro.com theme directory.
I guess you are talking about the Header builder concept, here is my reply in a conversation with Tommy Jacobs Vedvik (Creator of Flatsome) on a facebook group:
The short answer to the builder concept is yes. It starts when we saw a header builder video from Flatsome theme on Youtube (it’s awesome btw) as we worked with Customizer live panel editing before with similar layout (in a mega menu plugin: https://cl.ly/472T051t3Z0l).
The Customify header & footer builder take advantage of the 12 columns grid and items merging algorithm which make the layout more flexible.
PS. I’m a member of Customify theme team.
Let me know here if you have any more question, I’m happy to talk.