• sbrad2317


    This is a cool, minimalist theme but the developer is not interested in telling you how to use it unless you pay for support. Pity, it would have made a great free theme. Unfortunately it’s just not the quality of most themes that cost $. This isn’t a slam against the theme, just pointing out that the developer has decided to monetize this theme in an unusual way, probably because nobody would pay for it otherwise.

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  • Theme Author Griden


    That’s not true – plain and simple. The theme is intuitive for anybody who can use WordPress. And I try to answer all genuine support questions (not related to modifications or third-party plugins) here.

    You can see that I offer free access to documentation for my other 3 free themes. The goal is to eliminate entirely the need of support.

    And two of those themes – Ascetica and Origin, don’t even need documentation. Just like TwentyTwelve doesn’t come packed with docs explaining how to use it in great detail.

    The paid support option for Ascetica is absolutely optional and is mainly aimed at developers who want to use it as a base for their development purposes. Also, I have zero commercial interest there – I made the theme as a “Thank You” to the ThemeHybrid community.

    Finally, Ascetica is one of my favorite themes and I am immensely proud of it. It is better than 95+% of the paid “premium” blogging/photoblogging themes. I have enough experience on the market to say that it would have been even more successful if I was selling it for $60. The mere fact that it’s offered for free is the main reason some people perceive it as an inferior product.

    Hi Griden, the theme is lovely and it makes me enthustiastic to work with it. That it doesn’t need documentation is unfortunately not true, we all think and act differently, not everyone is experienced enough to work with the theme without any help. The slider is something I didn’t figure out yet and it’s the same with the thumbnails on the side and in the footer like you have in your demo site. Another thing is the search button that always appears on the left. If you add one to the right it still remains on the left as well. There is a huge gap in the sidebar between menu and the next subject. And how to get the website title and subtitle above the picture on the homepage instead of under the picture? So yes, in this case it would be very helpful to point out to some tutorials maybe on youtube? You have the right to be proud of Ascetica, it’s absolutely gorgeous. I would not mind paying something, but I always want to know first if I can work with a theme. Why don’t you just add a paypal button on your website so people can choose to pay you for this free theme? https://www.radegonda.com/

    @zaralene – doesn’t look like you’ve posted any questions on the support forum for this theme – here:


    I am sorry, no, I did a search and came across this one. Let me look, thanks Mod ??

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