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  • Hi @cookieyesteam

    I have made a changes in code (added this gtag script and Custom Consent Mode script in page header) and made scan in “Cookie manager” page.

    Is now all correct or still something is missing/wrong?

    Thread Starter lefteris33



    • Custom Consent Mode script is now present on your site. But it’s not placed above the CookieYes script. To ensure this, you can add this code above the wp_head() function in your header.php file. (can you recommend how to?)
    • It might not work as expected, as the CookieYes script will get injected by the CookieYes plugin. So, you should add the GTM script manually above the wp_head() without using any plugin. (hardcoded you mean here?) any other option?

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    You may find the header.php file inside your active theme. Then find the wp_head() function call and append the custom script just above it.

    Since you have enabled the option “Allow Google tags to fire before consent” from the?CookieYes dashboard > Advanced Settings > Google consent mode (GCM), the order of the GTM script won’t be an issue.

    Thread Starter lefteris33


    Hi @cookieyesteam

    • We use elementor for our template/design and the tool gives us the ability to prioritise the script.

    The custom script is priority 1 into the header isn’t this sufficient any support with elementor on WP?

    You can see from the attached that the custom script is inside the elementor template and has priority 1 above all!!

    Do we still miss something from our implementation to have consent mode v2 fully active, can you please check?,

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    Please check your page source CookieYes script is placed at line 8 and the custom script is placed at line 142.

    Thread Starter lefteris33



    Where exactly can you see that on the source code can you share a print screen please?

    Thread Starter lefteris33



    Also fyi the cookieyes is implemented through a plugin though fyi…

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    Please find the screenshots of your page source attached below:

    Also, we understand that the CookieYes script is added by the CookieYes plugin on your site. That’s why we asked you to paste the custom script above the wp_head() function in your active theme’s header.php file.

    Thread Starter lefteris33



    Done it can you check and validate please?

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    We couldn’t find the Custom consent mode script on your site now. Did you remove it?

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    This thread has been inactive for a bit, so we are going to mark it as resolved now. Please feel free to open a new thread or follow-up if you have any further questions or still need help.

    Thread Starter lefteris33



    Can you check again please?

    We implement cookieyes hardcoded with a script instead of the plugin and the custom script is now priority 1 with cookieyes to be priority 2 not sure about GTM though if we need to move the priority of that.


    Thread Starter lefteris33


    Hi @cookieyesteam

    I checked with the below methodology and tried giving consent and not and looks it is working just fine but can you check it also please from your end if the implementation is now working?

    Checking if Google Consent Mode is implemented correctly is a mess!
    With the “GCM Checker,” it doesn’t have to be.

    If you work in technical marketing, you know the importance of Google Consent Mode. Debugging using Google Tag Manager requires access and takes time, and using the Console to type “DataLayer” is simply not very efficient.

    This is why I have created a GCM Checker Bookmarklet, which will display an alert informing you if Google Consent Mode is installed and behaving as intended WITH JUST 1 CLICK!

    Step 1:
    Create a Bookmark in your Bookmarks bar.

    Step 2:
    Name it “GCM Checker.”

    Step 3:
    Copy and paste this code as the Bookmark URL:

    javascript:(()=>{let l=s=>s===undefined?””:s?”granted”:”denied”;if(!window[“google_tag_data”]){alert(“No Consent Mode data found”);return;}var g=”ics” in google_tag_data ? google_tag_data.ics.entries : null, i=””, u=””, message=””; for(var a in g){i=l(g[a][‘default’]);u=l(g[a][‘update’]); if(i===”” && u===””) continue; message+=a.toUpperCase()+”:\n”+(i!==””?” Default: “+i+”\n”:””)+(u!==””?” Update: “+u:””)+”\n”;} if(message===””){alert(“No default Consent settings found”);} else{alert(message.trim());}})();

    Thread Starter lefteris33


    is there any other way to validate the GCM v2 is working?

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    Scripts are still not added in order on your site. Since you have switched from plugin to script, you can also follow the method 1 in this documentation?to implement GCM. This method might be easier for you as you don’t have to worry about the order of the scripts.

    Before implementing method 1, please make sure that you remove the custom script and CookieYes script that is already added to your site.

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