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  • Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    Greetings from CookieYes!

    We couldn’t find the custom script added on your site. Also GTM script is not added above the CookieYes script. So please make sure that you add both of these scripts above the wp_head() function in your active theme’s header.php file.

    Thread Starter lefteris33


    @cookieyesteam Sure I can check on that, I can add GTM script above the cookieyes script although in regards to the custom script through Google tag manager how can I add that above the cookieyes script since this will be implemented from GTM?



    According to the?documentation here, if you are using the plugin then you do not use Tag Manager, you need to manually insert the custom code into the website pages.

    Thread Starter lefteris33


    They mentioned if I sue the plugin I can do implementation method 2

    For CookieYes WordPress plugin users, only Method 2 is applicable.

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    Please add the custom script directly to your active theme’s header.php file and make sure that it’s placed above the GTM script and wp_head() function.



    Can I use Implementation Method 2 in Free Plan cookieYes?

    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by julija4894.
    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @julija4894,

    Yes, you can implement Google consent mode using method 2 in CookieYes free plan.

    Thread Starter lefteris33



    we did some changes can you please check?

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    Still, we couldn’t find the following custom script added to your site.

        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        function gtag() {
        gtag("consent", "default", {
            ad_storage: "denied",
            ad_user_data: "denied", 
            ad_personalization: "denied",
            analytics_storage: "denied",
            functionality_storage: "denied",
            personalization_storage: "denied",
            security_storage: "granted",
            wait_for_update: 2000,
        gtag("set", "ads_data_redaction", true);
        gtag("set", "url_passthrough", true);

    Also, the GTM script is not added above the CookieYes script. Please add it above the wp_head() function in your active theme’s header.php file.

    Please make sure that you follow the below order of the scripts:

    • Custom Consent Mode script
    • gtag / GTM script
    • CookieYes script (need not add CookieYes script manually while using plugin)

    I have also questions:

    1. Where i get this: Custom Consent Mode script
    2. gtag/GTM script – is this google tag script?

    And if i get this scripts – i need just add in wp_head() and done?
    Or need to conf. something else to?

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @hsgold,

    1. You can find the Custom consent mode script in this documentation. It’s also attached to our previous response in this thread.
    2. Yes, it’s the Google Tag Manager script.

    You need to add both of these scripts above the wp_head() function in your active themes’s header.php file.

    After doing this, please make sure that you “Publish Changes” from CookieYes dashboard.

    Thread Starter lefteris33


    Hi @cookieyesteam

    we did some changes can you please check?

    Please make sure that you follow the below order of the scripts:

    • Custom Consent Mode script (This is now there can you check?)
    • gtag / GTM script (We selected the option from the plugin for google script t fire before the cookieyes script, hasn;t this been activated?)
    • CookieYes script (need not add CookieYes script manually while using plugin) (How can we do that)

    Can you advice where I can find the cookieyes script please? Do I need to add it evet thoguh I have the plugin live?

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @lefteris33,

    • Custom Consent Mode script is now present on your site. But it’s not placed above the CookieYes script. To ensure this, you can add this code above the wp_head() function in your header.php file.
    • It might not work as expected, as the CookieYes script will get injected by the CookieYes plugin. So, you should add the GTM script manually above the wp_head() without using any plugin.
    • You don’t have to add the CookieYes script again, as it is get injected by the plugin.

    Hi @cookieyesteam

    Can you look my webpage also: I think all what needed is added.

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @hsgold,

    We couldn’t find the GTM script added to your site. Also, the custom script is not added above the wp_head() function in the header.php file.

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