• Hey, my WordPress.com Stats were working 100% fine up until I deleted my cookies on my computer. Now I am able to log into my WordPress.com account, and my domain account HOWEVER when I click on my Dashboard or on the Stats button in my sidebar menu of my WP-Admin page it asks me to re-enter my username and password. I tried with the user and pass of both my domain account and the wp.com account and neither work.

    when i try resetting my password on wp.com it sends me back to the empty login page of my blog as if i was never logged in.

    can someone help me out? i deleted my cookies again after hoping it would do something but the same problem exists.


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  • same problem here

    Same problem.
    Could it have anything to do with the recent changes to how WP.com handles stats?

    Or more specifically, have they tried moving WP-stats plugin users to the new version yet?

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    i think it’s a WordPress.com issue

    Same here. It started around 9:30 a.m. today.

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    keep bumping this thread until it’s fixed

    yay for outtages!

    Same problem. Very annoying. I’m supposed to present on my blog in class this afternoon!

    Whoever caused this problem is probably now in a blind panic trying to fix it. It’s gotta be simple – something to do with the initial call to the server. So my guess is that it will be fixed by end of day. We could hold a sweep on how fast it gets fixed…

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    no stats for you adam

    My guess, although I have no reason to believe this, is that they decided to throw the switch and give us the new version of stats, but they haven’t actually updated the plugin to be compatible with some feature of the new version.

    The more depressing scenario is that some data got deleted from some table and it will have to be reloaded. In which case the fix may take a little longer.

    Amazing how easy it is to get really annoyed with what is, after all, a free service…

    Thread Starter Sandro_Bit


    nothing got deleted for me according to what my blackberry is telling me. my stats are still going up.

    I’m having the same problem. At least, now I know it is nothing on my end or my webhosting’s.

    I wonder if whoever is responsible is aware of this or any other forum threads that have spontaneously erupted. If so it would serve them well to slip a brief expalnation and status update in here, so we can all go back to cursing Microsoft…

    Hope it gets fixed soon… got a bunch of blogs with this problem all of a sudden. Worked yesterday.

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