• Resolved willem.deboer


    Since updating WP to 3.7.1, when users attempt to login to my WP site, they receive an error message:

    “Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.”

    Cookies are enabled. Never had the message before, site is unchanged since 3.7, and with cookies enabled in all browsers, you still see the message when logging in.

    I disabled themes and plugins, to no avail.
    Tried the other hacks in several threads, but no cigar. All they did was produce a white screen.

    Any one else experiencing this or have a suggested solution? All help is appreciated. I need to update my site with new artwork, but I can’t login to the admin screen!

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  • As are the vast majority of the other 7 million WP 3.7.1 sites. I’m sorry but this is definitely server specific. I’m also curious about the ” switching from https://www.domain.nl to https://domain.nl”. That’s something that WordPress itself definitely cannot do.

    When did you last check your root .htaccess file? Have you tried changing the salts in your wp-config.php file?

    Thread Starter willem.deboer


    Root .htaccess file is bog-standard. I last checked it this morning. .htaccess in wp-admin has the following in it:

    order deny,allow
    allow from xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    deny from all

    What is “the salts in your wp-config.php”?

    PhP version on the server is 5.2.17.

    The Authentication Unique Keys.

    Thread Starter willem.deboer


    I generated new ones, but no luck.

    Give me a few minutes. Trying to get some more eyes on this…

    Thread Starter willem.deboer


    Should I send you the url’s in some sort of private message?

    WordPress will set one or two test cookies when you go to wp-login.php. If siteurl and home are the same, then just one cookie. So after you go to wp-login.php, check if you have any cookies named ‘wordpress_test_cookie.’

    You can check your siteurl and home url via SQL. In my case, for example:

    mysql> SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name='home';
    | option_value     |
    | https://localhost |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name='siteurl';
    | option_value     |
    | https://localhost |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    So since siteurl and home are the same, I only have one test cookie set.

    Name: wordpress_test_cookie
    Content: WP+Cookie+check
    Host: localhost
    Path: /
    Send For: Any type of connection
    Expires: At end of session

    Upon login, WordPress checks that the test cookie has been set and you’ll get that error if not (assuming the form is sending the hidden param of testcookie=1, which it should)

    So first see if wp-login.php (just go to the page, you don’t need to login) is setting the test cookie(s) for siteurl and home.

    Check validation, https://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=https://www.communsense.nl/

    Line 466 has to do with cookies.

    Thread Starter willem.deboer



    mydomain.nl 4 cookies
    https://www.mydomain.nl 2 cookies
    no wordpress_test_cookie

    I’l do the sql now, have never used my webhosts tools before.

    Thread Starter willem.deboer


    @kmessinger I re-uploaded a clean 3.7.1 yesterday after deleting everything on the server.

    Line 466 error:

    Line 466, Column 337: required attribute “type” not specified
    …tinuing to browse this site you accept this policy.</p></div></div> <script>
    The attribute given above is required for an element that you’ve used, but you have omitted it. For instance, in most HTML and XHTML document types the “type” attribute is required on the “script” element and the “alt” attribute is required for the “img” element.

    Typical values for type are type=”text/css” for <style> and type=”text/javascript” for <script>.

    Thread Starter willem.deboer


    SQL resultaat
    Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Database: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Generatie Tijd: 15 Nov 2013 om 09:42
    Gegenereerd door: phpMyAdmin / MySQL 5.0.83-community
    SQL-query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’home’ LIMIT 0, 30 ;
    Rijen: 1
    option_value https://www.mydomain.nl

    SQL resultaat
    Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Database: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Generatie Tijd: 15 Nov 2013 om 09:44
    Gegenereerd door: phpMyAdmin / MySQL 5.0.83-community
    SQL-query: SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’siteurl’ LIMIT 0, 30 ;
    Rijen: 1
    option_value https://www.mydomain.nl

    Thread Starter willem.deboer


    @scriptrunner The other site did not have the www prefix for both ‘home’ and ‘siteurl’. I have corrected that manually in the database and now the “flipping” of the url between https://www.mydomain.nl and https://mydomain.nl is gone. The cookie issue is still there unchanged.

    I had a look at the cookies generated on the other site; same result.

    domain.org 4 cookies
    https://www.domain.org 2 cookies

    No wordpress_test_cookie

    The test cookie is set by wp-login.php, and like you, when I go to the login page on your site, no test cookies are set. I also noticed that the wp-admin and colors-fresh css are not loading.

    Never the less, wp-login.php should set the test cookies, nothing special there and nothing regarding that has changed with WordPress 3.7.1 that I’m aware of. So to me it looks like that wp-login.php is the culprit.

    Can you verify that:

    setcookie(TEST_COOKIE, 'WP Cookie check', 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
    	setcookie(TEST_COOKIE, 'WP Cookie check', 0, SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);

    is in your wp-login.php file?

    Thread Starter willem.deboer


    Affirmative. Logically, this could mean that the condition (SITECOOKIEPATH != COOKIEPATH) is not met, right?

    COOKIEPATH equates to ‘home’ and SITECOOKIEPATH equates to ‘siteurl.’

    I was initially wrong about it possibly setting two cookies.

    What’s happening is, it will set a test cookie with path based on the url found in ‘home.’ If ‘siteurl’ and ‘home’ are different, it then rewrites the test cookie with using the path based on ‘siteurl.’

    Either way, you should get a cookie.

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