• Resolved vitamineg


    Getting the dreaded login error about enabling cookies on my browser. (cookies are enabled)

    This is a fresh install of WordPress 4.1 with multi-site for sub-domains enabled.

    I have read the post(s) found here but it has become so long and confusing that it isn’t helping. Please help… thanks.

    The error message:
    ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.

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  • Thread Starter vitamineg


    got it. ::closed::

    How did you manage to fix this?
    thx in advance.

    got “it”? What’s “it”?! :-/

    Does anyone have a step by step solution for this issue? Please?

    do you have cloudflare or other CDN enabled?

    Thread Starter vitamineg


    Hey guys… I got it by doing a complete multi-site re-install. I’m still recovering the websites within….what a pain in the a$$.

    I scoured the forums and help sites with no success.

    Hope the fix comes easier for you. ://

    Does anybody know of a fix for this in Worpress 4.1? When the username and password are entered on a login page a Worpress error screen is returned with the “cookies not enabled” error, but when entered again on the WordPress error screen the login works. I have seen a workaround fix to the wp-login.php file for WordPress 3.7 but not to the file for WordPress 4.1.

    The fix I have seen for 3.7 is the following fix to wp-login.php
    Comment out lines 744-746 in wp-login.php . It should look like this:
    //if ( isset($_POST[‘testcookie’]) && empty($_COOKIE[TEST_COOKIE]) )
    // $user = new WP_Error(‘test_cookie’, __(“ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.”));
    // else
    $user = wp_signon(”, $secure_cookie);

    Does anyone know of a similar fix for WordPress 4.1?

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