• Resolved matthias.wagner


    hy there,

    we are pretty new to complianz and started to use it as new default cookie banner/management for our clients websites. i’ve made changes to one of those sites now and would like to know some details about the cookie scan and how the service-list in the documents is generated.

    i had complianz and the cookie blocker / cookie banner already activated. then i started a new cookie-scan in the wizard and completed the wizard.
    no google analytics – cookies have been found, since there was no consent stored in my browser yet. the same for other services. therefore these services did not show up in the cookie statement, although google analytics is configured to be managed by complianz itself.

    it looks like it is necessary to accept all cookies first and then start the cookie-scan in the wizard. isn’t that a bit confusing?

    it would be good if the scan could use some kind of parameter that tells the site to accept everything on this pageload in the hidden iframe.

    i hope you understand my question / concern. if i am wrong i am happy about some information about this process ??

    anyway, thanks a lot for this great tool!

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  • Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @matthiaswagner,

    There is actually built-in functionality that accepts cookies within such iFrames, so that they get reported in the scan results.

    Perhaps you have a JavaScript error somewhere that prevents the plugin from performing this action, and results in the need to manually click Accept and re-scan for cookies? You can open your browser’s developer tools during the Scan to see if any related errors appear, which could be the case here.

    In any case, you might be interested to know that we intend to overhaul the Cookie Scan functionality in a future release of the plugin; so that it runs in a ‘headless browser’ and won’t require such iFrames any longer.

    If you’d be willing to join as a tester for this functionality, let me know!

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter matthias.wagner


    hy jarno,
    thank you for your quick reply. we will keep an eye on this.
    beta testing is currently not possible since limited ressources ??


    Thread Starter matthias.wagner


    hy again!

    we are still struggling with the cookie scan. it looks like the urls that are scanned are picked somehow random? in our case it often happens that urls to elementor templates or other stuff that are not complete frontend-urls are used.

    i guess it would be good if those urls are picked from pages and posts to represent real web-urls?

    i do not understand why, but in some of our sites now even the complianz-cookies are not found. we tried clearing and rescanning for cookies very often and also fresh new browsers :/

    can you already tell when the new functionality with “headless browser” will be released? do you have any further hints for us?

    it is annoying that some cookies are not found that are present in every page after opt-in.

    thank you, matt

    Thread Starter matthias.wagner


    i have to add a few lines ??
    i already found out how to limit the scanner to specific post types:

    function my_complianz_custom_posttypes($post_types){
    	//unset( $post_types['not_this_posttype'] );
    	//return $post_types;
        return array(
    add_filter('cmplz_cookiescan_post_types', 'my_complianz_custom_posttypes');

    but i still can say for sure that the scanner will display different results on some of our sites depending on if the banner has been accepted in the browser before scanning or not.
    i am really looking forward to this new version of the scanner ??

    Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @matthiaswagner,

    Note that some cookies are only set on specific interactions, an example could be after having clicked a specific link or element. Those interactions may not directly occur when running the cookie scan, so these cookies will be added to the results list at a later point in time. If the cookie is set in your browser it will also be detected by the scan.

    Kind regards, Jarno

    Thread Starter matthias.wagner


    hy jarno,
    thanks for your quick reply. in this case we are really only talking about cookies that will be set on page load.

    since we are aware of this, we use only “fresh” browsers for the setup of the cookie table and accept everything before. but since this is not how it is supposed to work, we are interestind in when the new technology will be released?


    Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hello @matthiaswagner,

    I thought you mentioned the Complianz cookies as well, and not all of these are directly set on page load. I’d expect something similar for those cookies that don’t immediately appear, or perhaps an ad-blocking extension that could be related.

    The plugin version that includes the alternative cookie scan method is currently still in our testing queue and planned for a future release, but as it’s a relatively high impact change; this really has to be tested thoroughly.

    Kind regards, Jarno

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