• I’ve converted my site to WordPress, and imported just over 1000 pages, containing simple HTML code, into posts. This works well enough for historical text content in those pages, but I’d like to convert the image references to something better suited.

    The images are in the following format: <img src="https://zanshin-sailing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2017-05-asw-day5-daphne-bow.jpg" />

    All of these images have “alt” and “caption” attributes set in the WordPress media library, so I would like to do a global replace to

    <img src="https://zanshin-sailing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2017-05-asw-day5-daphne-bw300x169.jpg" alt="{image ALT value}" width="300" height="169" class="size-medium" />

    I’m not sure if there’s a plugin that can to this type of global replace, or it if need to be programmed manually in php. I’ve programmed in many languages, but have no experience with the WordPress world.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Kindly review the plugins here to see if any of them fits your use case:


    Good luck!

    Thread Starter Arnd Zanduino


    I searched the plugins before posting and couldn’t find one that would do this. But there are 5 pages to sift through… The most common ones did all sorts of complex work, but I couldn’t find the simple task of adding missing alt tags from image alt. I’ll keep on looking, perhaps I’ll find something.

    The most common ones did all sorts of complex work,

    If a plugin does what you want plus 100 different things, just use it to get your work done and remove it. This is not a plugin that you need to keep running.

    Note that these days most plugin developers have commercial intent: they offer a “Lite” free version and a commercial PRO version (or a million commercial add-ons).

    And if a developer is going to invest the time and effort to build a plugin that they hope to sell, they’ll want to cram in enough features to make their product appeal to a lot of users.

    Not many people will pay $59 (or whatever) to buy a plugin that ONLY does “one simple task of adding alt tags from image alt” and nothing else.

    Thread Starter Arnd Zanduino


    None of the ones I’ve tried so far do this, not in the free version, nor in the pro version. I am not looking at updating my media library “alt” tags – they are all already correct. I want to go through all my posts in bulk (1000+ pages) and add the “alt” attribute to any <img> tags which don’t have one.

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