• It would be nice to have a sticky post in the forum listing the known changes that have to be made to b2 templates to work under WordPress. Most of the changes are covered _somewhere_ in the forums, but I did not see where there was a complete list. I converted one of my blogs this morning and here are the major ones I ran into:
    –change the access to the database using the new “foreach” method in the sample WP index.php template.
    –change to get_archive() instead of include(b2archives.php). This can also be seen in WP’s sample template.
    –check your formatting of categories and archives as WP now displays as


    • (I had the margins of bulleted lists set so WP did not display where I wanted it to).
      –change your CSS classes to either b2 style (storyTitle) or WP style (storytitle) in both your stylesheet and your template code.
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