• It seems every time I try to restore one of these backups it fails. Sometimes it’s due to PHP timeouts (if the site is large) but the latest problem, which seems to be getting worse, is most backups to Google Drive are failing. The backup logs don’t show any problem (nor do the server logs) but when I try to restore the backups I see a warning message “file found but has a different size from what was expected” (larger, not smaller) and if you proceed anyway it doesn’t restore properly, wiping out existing files and replacing them with nothing. I’ve reported the problem but had no solution so far.

    Update: I’ve found that this has been happening for longer than I thought, affecting many different sites and hosts. Also the problem only seems to occur when uploading to Google Drive and only intermittently, but fails more often than not. Description amended accordingly.

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  • Same issue here. I have a Premium version and I am very dissapointed. Migration module succeeded just after 6th attempt. Lots of time wasted.
    I will not continue subscription, definitely.

    BTW. At the time I writing this UpdraftPlus.Com is down.
    “cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 15001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received”

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