Hi Wayne,
* Generally you would just want the taxonomy archives title to display the name of the current term, I can’t imagine a scenario where you would want to have a fixed text for all taxonomy terms…Perhaps what you are looking to do is actually something like this…. “Category: {{title}}” where you can have fixed text but also display the dynamic term name?
Is that what you were looking to do?
* In terms of setting a “Main Page”. By default the theme will grab the Post Type archive associated with the first post on the taxonomy. But if you have disabled the post type archive for your custom post type I can see how it could cause issues.
Maybe I should add a setting to the Post Types so you can select a template to use for the post type archive, this way you don’t have to use a separate page and you can keep the auto archive enabled so things like the breadcrumbs will just work automatically. I’ll put this on my todo list to look into…
Anyway…I added both options for the upcoming update. If you want here are the updated files. Extract and replace via FTP: https://a.cl.ly/Wnu0JPvg
– wpex-breadcrumbs.php (Total/inc/lib)
– title.php (Total/inc/functions/frontend/)
– post-types-unlimited.php (Total/inc/integration)
If you have any issues let me know.
– AJ
ps: It would also be possible if wanted to replace the whole page header title with a template using a little code – https://wpexplorer-themes.com/total/snippets/page-header-template/ – you would just use is_tax to ensure you are only defining a template_id for your specific taxonomy. Just incase you need this type of thing ever in the future ??