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  • Anonymous User


    Could we PLEASE get 2.3.6 or newer as an official update so it can be installed automatically by wordpress!

    I can’t copy the zip file across due to unresolvable technical problems and would LOVE these great new features!

    +1 !

    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal



    Thanks for the kind words, David & Jenny… I’ve contacted Neerav directly, and am waiting on his reply.

    David, what can we do to get you a zip file in that installation? Can you not install via the upload method in Plugin Installation? Or would the Install via URL plugin help, perhaps?

    Meanwhile, I’ve created an updated support page for my contributed builds of this (including screenshots of the expanded configuration settings) on my blog.

    Internally, I still have a rather lengthy to-do list for this plugin, but it seems to be coming along as time permits. I’m glad there is demand for my tweaks!



    Anonymous User


    Hi Lewis, thanks for your reply. I did manage to get it installed from the .zip and it seems to be working much better than before. It’s GREAT that we don’t have to have a header on each page now! ??

    The formatting is still messed up in some posts, do you think it is possible to fix positioning of graphics when there is a CSS box?


    PDF link (also at top of post)


    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal


    Great news, David! I’m so glad you were able to put some of my fixes to work.

    I do realize that there is more work to be done in terms of image positioning and css in general (this latest TCPDF is supposed to be more css-friendly). I see the issue you describe. What we want is for the plugin to retain the image position – if not necessarily the scaling – as specified in the css (in this case, left aligned, with text wrapped). I need to see what we need to pass along to TCPDF which we’re somehow not currently passing.

    I’ll see what I can do with this, and will follow up. At least we’ve got the captions printing on the page, at least!



    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal


    2.4.0 (unofficial; refreshed 5 July, 2013):

    Diff against the latest official release (2.3.1):

    Diff against my previous version (2.3.6 unofficial):

    What’s new:

    Updated TCPDF to 6.0.018, including a huge number of new fonts (much larger package).


    Add option to move date and/or category to the footer, with left, right, or center alignment.

    Add option to specify the separator in a list of categories.

    Add option to remove paragraph break between author, categories, date (to format better and waste less vertical space).

    Add option to specify first or all categories (presently, we display the list, via get_the_category_list).

    Add option to specify ordering/alignment (see above) of these items.

    Allow exception to site-wide image scaling factor via shortcode (and add other shortcodes as overrides for various options set in the admin panel).

    Allow for custom css definitions to apply to PDF (note that this is highly dependent upon css support in TCPDF class; this to-do list item refers to the ability to enter such css in the admin panel, and not to any specific css support).

    Thanks to Jenny Beaumont for additional testing of this version!

    Feedback is welcome and appreciated.



    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal


    Sorry, but I’ve temporarily pulled the 2.4.0 version from my server. I discovered a problem with images not showing up at all, as well as a couple other oddities with some formatting. Until I get those tweaked, better stick with the 2.3.6 build.

    Apologies for jumping the gun!


    Great work Lewis.

    My thanks to both Lewis and Neerav.

    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal


    Thanks to both of you for your kind words, and for my contribution, you’re very welcome. I’m glad this continues to be of value.

    As soon as I can get some time, I want to get back to my last round of updates to see about getting the updated tcpdf library finally working as expected (you know; fix one thing, break two more…).

    Cheers, all. ??


    Can I also urge you to reconsider forking it?

    If it has it’s own place within WordPress plugin repository, the people who are using your much needed version will get notifications of any updates.
    With a seperate download area we’d never know if some vulnerability was found that you’d later fixed (for example).


    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal


    Point taken, Rex.

    When Neerav and I left off, we were discussing adding me as a developer, so that my changes would get merged into the official source directly. I’ll ping him about that, as we haven’t exchanged email since the end of June. Obviously, that is the best solution, but if that doesn’t work out, I’m certainly ready, willing, and able to fork the project.

    Let’s check in here in the next week or so, and see what progress Neerav and I make.

    Thanks again for your input, Rex, and for making such a clear and concise case (aside from the convenience factor).



    the link doesn’t work anymore.
    Also, I have a bitly officialy plugin on my install and messes with the plugin. please check the icon is up, just click on it. Any resolve for the conflict ? Don’t know if its from the PDF plugin or the bitly.

    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal


    I’ll have a look at the link, Alex; sorry for the trouble with the conflict.

    As for version 2.4, I pulled the file. See my note, above, quoted here:

    Sorry, but I’ve temporarily pulled the 2.4.0 version from my server. I discovered a problem with images not showing up at all, as well as a couple other oddities with some formatting. Until I get those tweaked, better stick with the 2.3.6 build.

    What version of the pdf plugin are you using which conflicts with Bitly plugin, and which version of Bitly are you using?


    Thread Starter Lewis Rosenthal


    Looking at the Bitly support forum, I see this from the plugin author, from three weeks ago:

    The plugin overrides the get_permalink() function so that it can be used with a wide variety of social sharing tools. We will remove conflicts with other plugins as we push out new versions.

    WP Post to PDF relies (in some cases) on get_permalink(). Consider the following snippet:

    // Change querystring separator for those who do not have pretty URL enabled
                $qst = get_permalink($post->ID);
                $qst = parse_url($qst);
                if ($qst['query'])
                    $qst = '&format=pdf';
                    $qst = '?format=pdf';
                return '<a class="wpptopdf" target="_blank" rel="noindex,nofollow" href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . $qst . '" title="Download PDF">' . $this->options['imageIcon'] . '</a>';

    I suggest you contact the author of the Bitly plugin and ask him to whitelist WP Post to PDF.

    Good luck!


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