I recently started using the extension and am getting the same issue. Here are the steps that I was able to reproduce this and I hope the steps I followed will be useful for you as well, @dominic_ks.
I use two http clients for this test, Postman and ThunderClient for VS Code, but this can be done with any other two clients.
1. Make a request to /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token
from Postman with my username and password. I get a 200 with the JWT token and a valid cookie.
2. I make the same request again, to make sure that I get the token, but this time I remove the credentials from the body. I get a 200 with a new JWT token.
3. Make a request to /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token/refresh
to check if the refresh logic works with the refresh token.
4. On the second http client, in my case the ThunderClient for VS Code, make a request on /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token
with the user credentials. I get a 200 with the jwt token and there fresh token.
5. I make the same request here as well, without the credentials. Again, I get a 200 with a new JWT token
6. I try to refresh the token with the /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token/refresh
on the ThunderClient screen. This results in a success and everything is refreshed without a problem.
7. I go back to Postman, and try to get a JWT token, on /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token
, without requesting a new refresh token. I get an error, but this is alright, because it is part of the expected flow.
8. I try to do the same request, on /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token
, but this time I also attach the credentials to the request, and I do not clear the cookies in Postman, so the obsolete cookie is also part of the request. I get a 401 error, stating that the token is obsolete.
The only way that the last step can return a new refresh token and JWT token is by removing the cookies from the session in Postman and using the username and password credentials as part of the body.
You can have the same issue if you play with the device parameter around, but I thought that this basic flow should be a nice example to share.
This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by