• aedesigns


    I have version 3.8.19 Pro Pack and the latest WordPress install and I continue to have issues. It will never load all my stores at one time (trying to load 10,000), instead it just maxes out at around 1500 or so. It kind of defeats the purpose of being able to do a bulk upload when I have to do it 20 times.

    Several are not geo coding which I still don’t completely understand. If I’m allowed 500k requests with my Google API v3, then why are my stores exceeding limits when trying to upload?

    Also, the Show Uncoded button still does not work for me. Even though I have several thousand entire of which half are uncoded, it give me the response “No locations have been created yet.” every time i click on it.

    I’m not sure what to do, I’ve been trying to get this to work for a week and at this point, I’m at wits end and am begingin to think that I need to find another solution. Please help!


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  • Plugin Author Lance Cleveland


    1) Your Google API V3 has ZERO affect on geocoding. Also, the limit is NOT 500k requests, it is 25,000 requests/day PER IP ADDRESS unless you have the $20,000/year Business API license (in which case you need to contact me to add the option to pass your business customer signature to the API call).

    2) If you are “maxing out” around 1500 items, please describe “maxing out”. There are a number of limits at play. Maximum file size allowed to upload per PHP, maximum memory stack in PHP, maximum Apache thread memory stack, and more. This is a system resource issue, NOT a plugin issue. I have had sites load 40,000+ locations with no problems on a server configured to handle it. If you do not know what the above terms mean or how to look at them then you need to contact your systems administrator or IT department. There is nothing the SLP code to limit the number of locations. Enough RAM & high enough limits and it will load 200,000 locations.

    Without a sample data set I cannot see the “Show Uncoded” message. Per your last mention of the issue I request you contact me at https://www.charlestonsw.com/mindset/contact-us/ and send me a CSV file so I can load it on a test server and see if I can replicate the issue.

    I’d like to see this work for you, but if you truly believe it is a problem specific to this plugin then you may want to try others. My guess is they will have similar memory limitation issues if they are using WordPress + a PHP CSV parser (which most are).

    Thread Starter aedesigns


    Perhaps I’m a lit’ looney, but I do not see a place where I can load a file on your contact form.

    A have several locations that are not coded and many that are. If I click “Show Uncoded” it tells me “No locations have been created yet.” Even though I have 1190 total.

    Let me know how I can get you some files.

    Thread Starter aedesigns


    By the way I am on a shared server. My hosting company (GoDaddy) is telling me that this is the problem and that 10,000 lines of data is insane for this.

    Plugin Author Lance Cleveland


    Contact me with the form above, when I respond you can reply with the file attached.

    GoDaddy is one to be calling anyone (or anything) insane. They crashed their own network routers for 3 days taking 300,000+ websites offline for 5 days before they figured out how to fix a router entry. If you had been at WordCamp Atlanta this past weekend you’d have seen a lot of “friends don’t let friends host on GoDaddy” t’s around. There is a reason those shirts exist.

    GoDaddy is a horrible place to be doing this sort of thing. You are going to run into geocoding errors all over the place because they are sharing a single IP address with thousands of other sites on the same network node. Google does not like this and you will hit their coding limit very quickly or possibly even be unable to code a single location.

    That aside, I can assure you there are plenty of sites running thousands of locations. There are at least 2500 active registered sites using the Pro Pack and location loader. Some sites are running 40,000+ locations. Many are well over 1200 sites, and nearly ALL users of the Pro Pack have at least 100 locations that loaded and were geocoded with no problem.

    If GoDaddy thinks 10,000 “lines of data is insane” you should look at a new host. 10,000 lines of ANYTHING is nothing these days. My phone has enough compute power to deal with that 1,000 times over while taking a photo, posting it to FaceBook, and making a phone call at the same time.

    All support for SLP is moving to the CSA website. Posts on that site now take precedence and get my attention first. Visit the new support forum here:

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