• For @macmanx
    James was so kind to help me to search a solution, after met many errors (404, 500 and others, impossible to load site) due to the change from http to https.
    It was a conflict between plugins.
    In particular (unfortunately) the plugin is Polylang: when change the main links by adding https the cross net of multilingual becomes crazy.
    The topic was closed as resolved but I realized this after closed the previous topic.

    Of course in case of other plugin was quite easy to find a solution: just delete it and change, but being the multilingual impossible: all the site is based on three languages (!)
    I checked and saw that many users/web designers meet the same problem: modify of the permalinks creates a bug in Polylang: being the system quite sophisticated this is easy to understand (being based on correctness of each link inside the structure).

    After discovered the bug I noted that the site in any case is not stable: each change tried causes a different error and the only solution is to revert back, deactivate all plugins via FTP and reactivate them excluding Polylang.
    Looong job that could take weeks …

    Polylang is a great plugin but due to its complicated system has some conflict problems: already in previous I had to add a mu-plugin for its taxonomies because wp-sweep was cancelling some part of Polylang.

    Now I noted that “reconfirming which is the main homepage (of the three for three languages) it seems all working again (simply Settings/Reading Homepage and re-click on the same homepage previously selected) … the solution seems simple, but after 2 days of “war with plugins” it seems too simple.
    Also I re assigned the files permissions (something was changed) with:
    755 for folders
    644 for files
    600 for wp-config

    Now all seems working (seems, because the bad surprises till now happened “after apparently solved”) … but
    1) I note that the green lock does not appear
    2) I’m not sure to have really solved the problem

    what do you think?
    do I need to fix the “mixed content in WP database”?
    (I mean the second part of this tutorial:

    Now that even not perfectly stable all seems working I don’t want to touch other equilibries if not necessary.
    So ask someone of you before.

    For the whole problem history you can see at this topic:

    Thank you very much for cooperation.

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