content width on custom site
Hi all,
I first of all apologise if anytone feels I am jumping the gun somewhat posting here instead of looking through the forum. I did do that, but to be honest – being very new to wp – I am somewhat lost which, unfortunately, leads me on to my issue at hand.
I have recently took over the following wordpress site:
I removed a carousel (from the homepage) that existing to the right of the main body of text. I thought I could restore ‘an earlier version’ but soon realised this option is only open to text, not design. For the life of me I’ve not been able to restore the carousel – which I didn’t particularly like – so in a damage limitation exercise (I’ll loose the carousel idea altogether) and ask if someone can please help by:
Making the main body text, on the home page, site wide (where the carousel used to be).
I can then include one suitable image via the usual dashboard homepage to sit above, below or between the existing text.
Thank you in advance.
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