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  • Plugin Author lilaeamedia


    This looks like WP crashed, possible from a plugin conflict.

    Can you make a change to your wp-config.php file (around lines 90 – 100)

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);


    define('WP_DEBUG', true);

    Then reload the page and send me any output.



    Plugin Author lilaeamedia



    Twenty Fourteen works fine with CTC on our end.

    Please let me know if you have any more debug information so I can duplicate the issue. Otherwise I’ll need to close this ticket.

    If there is a bug, would like to push a patch ASAP.


    Plugin Author lilaeamedia


    Closing this ticket – cannot duplicate issue.

    Thread Starter lizbutler



    I’m sorry for the delay; I didn’t receive the emails that you responded. I just replaced the line of PHP as you suggested, and it did not change anything.

    I am not a developer but in reading the comments in the PHP file, I’m not getting any outputs when I reload the site.

    I guess I will just build the child theme on my own. I was looking forward to trying your plugin.

    Thread Starter lizbutler


    The debug is working now:

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home3/xxx/public_html/ on line 1100

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home3/xxx/public_html/ in /home3/xxx/public_html/ on line 896

    Plugin Author lilaeamedia


    Don’t give up yet, we need to find what is crashing WordPress.

    1. Please send me a link to your site;
    2. Deactivate all plugins and turn them on one by one until the issue appears.
    3. “View source” and send me the raw HTML code;

    Thread Starter lizbutler


    2. I have deactivated all plugins and the issue appears regardless. The only way to get the issue to disappear is to deactivate the child theme itself.

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    Plugin Author lilaeamedia


    This is an issue with Super Cache not flushing on a theme change.

    Try clearing the super cache after activating the child theme.

    Plugin Author lilaeamedia


    Your website has serious compression issues, probably caused by corrupted cache files from the Super Cache plugin.

    I would disable caching entirely and see if that resolves the issue. If so, delete and re-install the caching plugin. Remember to refresh any performance cache after any changes to your website, especially themes and plugins.

    Thread Starter lizbutler


    Thank you for the response. I’ve had the caching disabled entirely since yesterday. I just deleted the WP Super Cache plugin and reinstalled it, and I’m still having the issue.

    I think there are some bigger problems with my site. I tried to activate Twenty Fourteen again and it’s throwing PHP errors. Now, I still have the wp-config debug value set to true, but I assume if it’s throwing an error either way I should be concerned.

    Perhaps I should wipe the site and do a fresh WP install?

    Thread Starter lizbutler


    If it helps, for the sake of your plugin, I can activate any other theme now. If I activate the child theme, however, I get the same PHP error as above about WP Super Cache even though I deleted it entirely, reinstalled it and deactivated it.

    Thread Starter lizbutler


    I deleted WP Super Cache again and did not reinstall it this time. The child theme shows up again but all of the content is still missing.

    Plugin Author lilaeamedia


    “Sample Page” works fine. Check your Settings > Reading values and make sure you have a default page set.

    Thread Starter lizbutler


    Yes, I did set Sample Page as the default and that shows. My initial concern was why the search box and everything else in the Twenty Fourteen sidebar disappears with the child theme.

    Thread Starter lizbutler


    Ah, okay. I see that the widgets get cleared with the child theme. I haven’t made a child theme since Twenty Twelve and didn’t recall everything resetting like that. Thanks for your help, it looks like everything is working now.

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