Hello @glinch,
We do not support shortcodes in the plugin because the attribute data needs to be clean. There are a lot of shortcodes out there and some will insert html etc what will make the product feed a mess.
So we only add to the fields what is in the database.
We do have a filter you can use to alter feed data and use that to strip shortcodes
function alter_feed_item( $attributes, $feed_id, $product_id ) {
// The $attributes variable is an array that contains all the product data that goes into the feed. Each item
// can be accessed by it's feed key. So if in the feed file an item has a key like 'description', you
// can access that specific item by $attributes['description'].
// The $feed_id (string) makes it possible to only edit a specific feed. You can find the id of a feed in the
// url of the Feed Editor, right after id=.
// The $product_id (string) makes it possible to select a specific product id that you want to filter.
// The following example only changes the data of a feed with ID 7
if( $feed_id === '7' ) {
// this line changes the title data and removes the " <prompt> " string
$attributes['title'] = str_replace( " <prompt> ", "", $attributes['title'] );
// this lines puts the text Dollar behind the price data
$attributes['price'] = $attributes['price'] . " Dollar";
// And you can be more specific by using the $product_id
if ( $product_id === '13' ) {
$attributes['availability'] = 'unknown';
// or you can just make a simple change that will influence all feeds
// If you have shortcodes in your product description you can remove them with het next code
// Remove WordPress shortcodes from Description
$attributes['description'] = strip_shortcodes( $attributes['description'] );
// If you use VIdual Composer markup in your product descrioptions you can remove Visual Composer markup with the next code.
$attributes['description'] = preg_replace("~(?:\[/?)[^/\]]+/?\]~s", '', $attributes['description'] );
// IMPORTANT! Always return the $attributes
return $attributes;
add_filter( 'wppfm_feed_item_value', 'alter_feed_item', 10, 3 );
Read more on github: https://gist.github.com/Auke1810/c62bb043926f539f9a99b418c06a3e6e