@cbfriend – URL targeting rules are planned in the Pro version already. There will also be rules for checking query args, referrer url (facebook etc) and more.
@smithjhsn – Many times this depends on the individual plugin/addon your dealing with.
If you want to tell me what plugin/content doesn’t have rules currently we can look into adding proper custom rules for that plugin.
For example, v2.1 (free) will include custom rules for WooCommerce shop & account pages/subpages. They are built based on actual WooCommerce APIs so if the urls change one day, you don’t have to correct things in every restriction/block, it will just continue to work.
If your interested in the Pro version, we are prepping v1 for launch, I’ll work to squeeze these rules in to the first release.
Final DIY based alternative, you can hack in your own custom rules: https://github.com/code-atlantic/content-control/blob/master/classes/RuleEngine/Rules.php#L200
Lots of example rules there to draw from, only thing you’d have to code yourself was the callback, which simply needs to be a function that returns true/false.
Hope that helps.