Hi Dave,
many thanks for maintaining this plugin! This is a sample of a crashed gcb-code in the wp_options table:
s:1186:"a:6:{s:4:"name";s:15:"Produktionsorte";s:11:"description";s:43:"Produktionsorte für die Firmendetailsseite";s:5:"value";s:792:"if (get_post_meta($post->ID,\'Land\')){
$produktionslaender = get_post_meta($post->ID,\'Land\',FALSE);
/* L?nderauswahl f. Firmenliste - L?nder-Seiten = 2190 - 2196 */
global $wpdb;
$i = 0;
$laender = $wpdb->get_results(\"SELECT ID, post_title, post_name
FROM $wpdb->posts
where post_type = \'page\'
and post_parent >= 2190
and post_parent <= 2196
order by post_title ASC\");
foreach ($laender as $land) {
if (in_array($land->post_name, $produktionslaender )) {
$permalink = get_permalink( $land->ID);
echo \'<a href=\"\' . $permalink . \'\">\' . $land->post_title . \'</a> - \';
else {
if(function_exists(\'show_text_block\')) { echo show_text_block(\'keine_infos\', true); }
Best regards