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  • Plugin Author benz1


    Sorry, but my developer no longer has the time to support this plugin and I don’t have the technical skills to do so myself so unfortunately I have to advise that with immediate effect the plugin is no longer supported. If anyone wants to take over support and development of Global Content Blocks you are welcome to do so under the terms of the GPL license.

    Thread Starter bhenselmann


    I found, that the code of the content blogs are not totally lost, but in the wp-options table. The content blogs are not shown in the gcb-dashboard, because the serialized datas getting damaged: quotes are stored as html-code ".

    Plugin Author Dave Liske


    bhenselmann I’ve read all the posts related to this and would like to get started on a resolution. Can you possibly include sample block content that causes this issue? Thanks for your time.

    Thread Starter bhenselmann


    Hi Dave,
    many thanks for maintaining this plugin! This is a sample of a crashed gcb-code in the wp_options table:

    s:1186:"a:6:{s:4:"name";s:15:"Produktionsorte";s:11:"description";s:43:"Produktionsorte für die Firmendetailsseite";s:5:"value";s:792:"if (get_post_meta($post->ID,\'Land\')){
       $produktionslaender = get_post_meta($post->ID,\'Land\',FALSE);
    /* L?nderauswahl f. Firmenliste -  L?nder-Seiten = 2190 - 2196 */
    global $wpdb;
    $i = 0;
    $laender = $wpdb->get_results(\"SELECT ID, post_title, post_name
    FROM $wpdb->posts
    where post_type = \'page\'
    and post_parent >= 2190
    and post_parent <= 2196
    order by post_title ASC\&quot;);
    foreach ($laender as $land) {
      if (in_array($land->post_name, $produktionslaender )) {
         $permalink = get_permalink( $land->ID);
         echo \'<a href=\&quot;\' . $permalink . \'\&quot;>\' . $land->post_title . \'</a> - \';
    else {
    if(function_exists(\'show_text_block\')) { echo show_text_block(\'keine_infos\', true); }

    Best regards

    Plugin Author Dave Liske


    Thank you, I’ll use this in testing the issue.

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