• Resolved jlcarbwood


    We having a very strange issue. The front end shows everything fine, however in the backend there are many post that the content blocks are not showing anymore.

    I disable HTTP request as I found on other post as a posible solution, but no good. Now if I select show inactive blocks, it will show the blocks with the content. However the post are not inactive, or nothing have change. THe other thing is not happening on all the post it only happen on specific ones.

    THe post are custom post with specific page templates.

    Any help will be highly appreciated.


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  • Plugin Author Harold Angenent


    Hi Jorge,

    If I understand correctly – Multiple content blocks thinks you have no blocks on a certain template, but in fact, you have?

    Have you tried visiting the page in the front-end after disabling the HTTP requests?

    Thread Starter jlcarbwood


    The pages load perfect in the front end. The problem is when we try to edit the page. I have disable http requestr load the page in the front end, but when I go back to the admin to edit it doesn’t show the blocks. THe interesting thing it doesn’t happen with all the posts. But it’s happening with at least 75% to 80% of then.

    This client post are basically a floor models, and they need to update the post (floors). They are around 54 post that need to be update.

    Plugin Author Harold Angenent


    That sounds strange, I’ve never heard about this behavior when turning off HTTP requests.

    Are you using some sort of caching? Or do you use conditional tags in which the blocks are shown?

    Thread Starter jlcarbwood



    The site was using Quick Cache at some point. But thats not enable currently. The blocks been use on a custom post (Floor), with their own tempalte page, categories.

    Each category use a page template wich is setup on the category section. So there might be some tags, but I will have to review the template. THis site has been up for over 1 1/2 years, so I can remember all the code on top of my head.

    Is there any possible to reach directly?

    Thread Starter jlcarbwood


    I meant to reach you directly and not using the forums here.

    Thread Starter jlcarbwood



    The only thing I can remember that was done before this issue was the site was transfer from hosting. Do you think this might affect in some manner?


    Plugin Author Harold Angenent


    Hi Jorge,

    Different server settings can affect features like these, so it’s quite possible that changing your hosting had something to do with it.

    The MCB plugin relies on $post, so you could check that that’s in order.

    You could reach me directly, but I’d rather not put my e-mailaddress here. Could you fill in the form on our website? https://www.trendwerk.nl/contact/. It’s Dutch, but you’ll probably figure it out.


    Thread Starter jlcarbwood



    It appears there were more into the whole issue. I re-installed everything (WordPress) a clean version and use the last full backup of the db, and it appears to be working again. I follow your instructions of going on the front-end and clicking edit.

    So for now this issue should be closed.

    Thank you for all your help.

    Plugin Author Harold Angenent


    Good to hear!

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