I don’t know why, but the facilities page actually makes the entire content jump to the left a bit, as compared with the other pages (in firefox, but not in IE7).
it’s a little distracting.
also, the background image has a feint line at the join… I’m guessing, but this usually happens when you resize an image in photoshop (or whatever) and the image hasn’t been flattened. The antialiasing around the outsides of the layer results in a small transparency issue.
given the attention to detail in the rest of the site, and the very easy fix, I figured I’d mention it.
you can get rid of it easily enough by duplicating the layer upon itself once or twice before saving again – that’ll just bring up any transparent edges up to 100% opacity.
while you’re at it, do consider compressing the background a little more (maybe save-for-web) and see if you can bring down the file size a little. It’s not scarily huge, but it does take a while to load the first time around, which impacts on the first impression.
Other than those easily fixable tiny little cosmetic details, it’s a very nice design.
I’m sure you’re going to change this, but just in case it’s slipped your mind…
The logo links to a page that doesn’t exist… and the polaroids (for lack of a better term) don’t link anywhere. I don’t know where you were intending to link those, but I think since they look like photos it would be cool for them to link to the gallery page.
how’s all that for feedback you didn’t want? ??