Contact Form 7- the spinning arrows-and no longer redirecting to PayPal
Regarding spinning arrows when the user clicks on submit on aContact Form 7 form. Thanks very much in advance for your consideration and assistance.
The site is
https://www.litrio.orgThe form having issues is here: form that used to work and now has the spinning arrows is here: first, the message “Things don’t seem to be working properly at the moment” appeared (from PayPal upon clicking submit on the form)
Then, the spinning arrows occurred.
I have upgraded wordpress and all plugins. Contact Form 7 worked great until recently when it stopped the redirect to PayPal checkout and we and the users experienced the spinning arrows each time the submit button is pressed.
contact form 7 version 4.8
wordpess version 4.8issue 1- spinning arrows when submit is pressed
issue 2- no longer redirects to PayPal for checkout (this worked until PayPal made changes and warned that forms might have issues)I fixed one issue (1 of 2 configuration errors) reported by Contact Form 7 when I went to edit in order to do some troubleshooting. I changed the “From” field on the email tab when I saw that the reported “configuration error detected”. Once I changed this, the from address is now wordpress as opposed to the user’s email address and that is fine for now.
The second of two configuration errors is:
Unavailable names (name) are used for form controls.
I don’t know where the error is but it’s in the “Form” panel.I’m familiar with this page:
For example, ‘name’ is used in the query, so ‘name’ is not available for a field name. The best practice in avoiding unavailable names is adding a prefix or suffix to the name, for example, use ‘your-name’ or ‘name-1234’ instead of ‘name’.I also tried removing all $ next to amounts and when that didn’t work I put them all back in in order to show you how things were when things were working well.
Thanks again.
I will be glad to paste the form panel content in my reply. Please let me know.I also have Contact Form DB activated and it was never an issue in the past.
I read that:
Most integrations work with this new PayPal checkout automatically. However, some integrations have issues that cause the user experience to fail. Some of the most common reasons for failed validation checks are:
Passing currency symbols (“$”, “£”, etc.) or values other than integers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and decimal points (“.”) in the amount field. For example, “1234.50” is correct, but “$1,234.50” isn’t allowed.When I tried to remove all $ it didn’t help the spinning arrow situation.
Thank you.
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