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  • @dave333

    I understand that it’s been a major headache. I’ve been following the forum posts here for the past week or so and the uncertainty + apprehension of site owners and managers has been made very clear. There is a lesson here for the plugin author, in clearly notifying users of the nature of the update beforehand (“you will need to reconfigure your forms for them to work”), and encouraging the upgrade on a test site first to get the configuration right before it hits the production one(s).

    Thread Starter pchilders1


    Where can we find correct configuration for the new form. One of my sites uses the old Contact Form. Luckily I did not update that and it still works fine. I have applied Contact Form posted configuration for the new site but it still doesn’t work.

    Contact Forms instructions are about a good as their new coding, terrible.

    I’m looking a Jet Pack’s contact form now. Does anyone have a suggestion for a reputable Contact Form?

    I’ve wasted too much time on this.

    Thread Starter pchilders1


    @barnez. well said
    @deffectrix. I’ve replicated your setting but still having the same problem.

    Is there a way to copy and replace the form and “version” of ContactForm from my site that is still using the old version to the site using the new.

    I use this contact form. For some days when we entered the site via this form, an error message appears framed in red saying that the message could not be sent , and must contact the site administrator. Obviously registration is considered spam or there may be another problem. I thought departing this could come from the extension that manages Akismet spam but even after deactivation , the same message appears .
    Would you have some lights ?

    Big thank you in advance for you
    Best regards

    Thread Starter pchilders1


    If you’re using a gmail account it is sometimes interpreted as spam. Contact your host for help.

    quform is an amazing form plug-in.


    I suggest you start a new topic and post a screenshot or example of your FORM and MAIL / MAIL (2) settings:


    As far as I know there is no option to import a configuration from one form setup/site to be used on another. You can try rolling back to v.4.3.1 either manually (delete /contact-form-7/ from the plugins directory and upload the previous version) or use WP Roll-Back.

    Hello, here is my Screenshot of my cf7 error.

    Can you help me to solve them and explain me how can I do for next time

    Bests regards


    The two errors are in your FROM field and SUBJECT field. Try this:

    From: [your-name] <>
    Subject: Re: [your-subject]


    1. The FROM field should have an email address from the website domain, Here I have suggested wordpress@ . Try this and see if your host will accept you using it, even though it may not be a live email address (obviously, change {} to the domain name of the site).
    2. The SUBJECT field should have some text in it, but if the sender does not complete this field, the subject line will be empty. Including “Re:” (short for regarding in English) or whatever word is appropriate in your language, will solve this error.


    I’ve just noticed you included a second form in the screenshot.

    For the second Form, look at point #2 above.

    I have the same issue, so I’ve tested my form and it’s working fine.
    I’d suggest that you (everyone) run a test, if it still works – don’t fix it, wait for the plugin authors to update. I’ve always found that waiting is the best policy for updating plugins. Hope that helps.

    I figured it out… You have to remove the plugin and reinstall… You will have to recreate your form though. Only thing that worked for me.



    Thank you so much alipaca! I was about to give up after hours of trying when I read your post. That did the trick for me too!

    Any other solutions besides uninstalling and recreating the forms?

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