Why not just use a mailto link with a twist. A bit of javascript and your email address is stealthed from bots, but fully clickable to humans. Add this snippet in the <head>
section of index.php:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function WriteMailLink(thelink, user, domain, subject) {
document.write("<a class="contact" href="mai");
if ( subject.length > 0 ) document.write("?subject="+subject);
In the location you wish a clickable mailto link, put in this:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
WriteMailLink("Link Text","name-part","domain-part.com","optional subject");
To clarify, your email address is broken into two parts: [email protected].
Hopefully I put encoded everything properly so it won’t be mangled. A preview button would be nice.