• This is a news site for the Dartmouth College Green Magazine. A little yanking here and there had to be done here and there with WordPress to make it fit our needs, but I think I’ve got it done.


    Please provide comments on the site. I want to improve it the best that I can, and it is still at the stage where I can implement just about anything.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • horrible colors to be honest. rest is good

    Love the look AND the colors…. each to her own, hmmm? Looks great, seems to work fine. Nice job!

    I have to agree w/ vkaryl. I like the colors. I am always pleased to see sites that use something other than the standard light blue/white scheme. God knows after a while all those sites look alike AND sound alike AND AND AND well you get the idea….

    I have no problems with Green and Pink(ish) per se, I just don’t think that particular Green works well with that background but like its already been said to each their own.

    Otherwise looks good and clean.

    The green text is a bit hard on my eyes on my old crappy monitor here at work. I’m betting it won’t be so bad on my flat panel at home, but still. The lighter green of the post titles is the worst offender for that, but even the content text is a bit much. Honestly, it made my eyes water a little trying to read one of the full posts.

    I get the idea behind using the green text, but since you’re talking about reading long entries, it might be worth considering switching at least the content text to either a much darker green, dark grey, or black. (I know the difference between a dark green and black would be barely discernable to most.)

    Unless you know most of your target audience will have much better graphics displays than I do. ??

    Otherwise, it’s a really nice job. ??

    Not a huge fan of the color combination. In Safari the right edge of the search box comes right up against the left side of the text in the main column. It needs a bit of padding to look right. OTher than that, looks good.

    Thread Starter jlhurd


    I redid the color combination (made the text and links darker, as well as the background less colorful) and I think it looks better. I chose the background because it was complementary to the green theme, but apparently that clashed a little bit too much.

    Thanks for everyone’s help. If there is anything else you find, please let me know.

    P.S. I HATE Internet Explorer. I had the CSS perfect and everything looked fine in Firefox. Then did a test-run in IE and spent the next 6 hours making everything look the same in both.

    It’s no use hating Internet Explorer. It’s what brings most traffic to your site, and it’s best to check the layout in IE as you go, even if your default browser is Firefox.

    I think your site looks smart enough. One suggestion I would make is to have 20 or so pixels padding (or margin) at the right hand side of the main box (inside). The text and images tend to go hard up to the right border and I think it would look better with a space.

    Nice job. In Safari the search field hits the article text however.

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