Constant Declines
In sandbox mode transactions are successful but the second I put it in Production mode everything gets declined. We are losing sales every day because everyone is getting declined.
this is one I did this morning in Production mode and got declined. The amount was for .01 and I did provide a street address and there were sufficient funds. Like I said this is happening for every customer. The phone number and email address were really entered – I just blanked them out for here
2024-05-10T16:17:44+00:00?Notice?{“request”:{“amount”:1,”currency”:”CAD”,”source”:”clv_1TSTSAwsLaHbbPAp265btBtX”,”capture”:true,”description”:”Authorize and Capture”,”metadata”:{“shopping_cart”:”WP 6.5.3 | WC 8.8.3 | 1.0.12″},”customer”:{“first_name”:”<Scrubbed customer first name>”,”last_name”:”<Scrubbed customer last name>”,”phone”:”**********”,”email”:”*************”}},”response”:{“status_code”:402,”result”:”{\”message\”:\”402 Payment Required\”,\”error\”:{\”code\”:\”card_declined\”,\”message\”:\”Street address is not provided\”,\”charge\”:\”F8A7RMBASCH9R\”,\”declineCode\”:\”issuer_declined\”}}”},”ip_address”:”″}?Additional context { “_legacy”: true }
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