Hi @redbmedia
Thank you for reaching out regarding this. I know we definitely strive to keep things as accessible as possible, especially with the frontend rendered forms. However, we’re curious which aria-*
attributes you feel are missing. It’s my understanding that those are meant to be supplemental when needed, but if accessibility concerns are already handled elsewhere, then they are not as needed. For example in cases where there’s no clearly associated label, but we’ve made sure to include labels and field associations as best possible.
To be clear, this isn’t us requesting an audit of any sort, just which ones were coming to mind for you, so that we can check and see if we already have those covered sufficiently.
The only item for the frontend forms that I could see maybe not being as sufficiently covered as could be would be our “required” markup indicator, for which we can definitely touch up if needed, and it already has a WordPress filter available to help in the meantime while we get changes made for everyone.
Would appreciate any and all feedback you have on this topic, especially if we’re falling short in ways we’re not realizing.