• This was, once, many moons ago, really good.
    But alas no more.
    Each update continually conflicts with something. Major aesthetic and functional changes are implemented with no option to not have. Basics like working with WooCommerce just suddenly disappear.
    I’ve used this product for years but having lost a whole day trying to undo the carnage caused by the latest appalling update (6+) I’ve sadly concluded my time would be better spent finding a new ticketing solution

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  • Hi @kelvynjames,

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a review and I am sorry to hear that you had trouble with our products.

    I couldn’t find any ticket opened by you that’s related to this problem. Have you asked for support on our premium support platform? (As you’re mentioning WooCommerce, I assume the problem you had was with Event Tickets Plus).

    We’d be happy to help you.


    Thread Starter kelvynjames


    Hi – thanks for the reply. I’ve not raised a ticket as I no longer purchase the support -I shouldn’t need to when I (had) a stable reliable system that worked.
    With Tickets+ running there is no “select WooCommerce” option as described in your help files. My bookings forms have disappeared etc.
    It looks like a clear policy to try and get people to use your payment gateway options – if that’s the case then make them better – 50+% of my bookings want to pay by bank transfer – that’s not an (easy to find if it even exists) option.
    The new design also looks way worse than the old design for the user experience (ie clients saying so).
    Sadly you’ve taken a good product and spoilt it for me

    Hi @kelvynjames,

    Thank you for your response.

    Which version are you on for ET+? You should be able to select the ticket provider: Tickets Commerce, or WooCommerce (Only if you have ET+ and Woocommerce installed and active). You also have Easy Digital Downloads (Only if you have that plugin and ET+ installed and active).

    That ticket provider (what you choose to sell tickets with) selection can be done within the tickets block on the blocks editor, or the ticket section settings for the classic editor. You shouldn’t have any problem with selecting the commerce provider, we’re not limiting that.

    I have another question, if you want to share the answer with me: What were you using for bank transfers on WooCommerce? We would be happy to consider adding that to Tickets Commerce. But, keep in mind that you can still use WooCommerce and bank transfers for selling tickets with Event Tickets Plus.

    You also shared the following:
    > The new design also looks way worse than the old design for the user experience (ie clients saying so).

    ^ Would you please specify specifically to which screens are you referring? We haven’t changed the design.


    Thread Starter kelvynjames


    Hi, I reverted one of my sites (loading historic back ups, having to recreate content) to version(s):
    ET 5.5.2
    ET+ 5.6.1
    TEC 6.0.2
    TECP 6.0.1

    as these were the last versions I could get any functionality with.

    Pay by bank transfer is simply a checkout option in WC and orders are ‘pending’ until the bank informs us payment received at which point its a manual check box. Basic but works fine.

    looks worse;
    the events list widget (we run it on a sidebar) used to be boxed, picked up the themes primary colours and had a little date/calendar symbol. I’ve found no way to have my booking information templates run in the newer version of ET+ – so am now having to manually send a google form to people.

    I appreciate your time with this – but I also know that realistically I’m a titchy customer & you’ll have had a reason for changing a product that worked really well to one that, for me at least, doesn’t. I’d suggest that next time you find a way to have a legacy option for people. Ultimately I’m a mountain guide and an instructor, not a techie – so my end user experience is that this has become more hassle than it’s worth & I’ll port over to a different solution (in my case Try Booking) which takes care of the tech for me. Yes I’ll pay a per ticket fee but it works out far cheaper than annual support charges (if the product works I shouldn’t need support…) and the hidden cost of my time and those customers who just move on and don’t tell me they didn’t like the experience, or who find my booking functionality has switched off whilst I’m on exped.

    Hi @kelvynjames,

    Thanks for taking the time and sharing this information with us.

    It’s still a bit unclear to me which ticketing functionality you were missing with the latest versions of the plugins. I’ve just tested creating WooCommerce tickets with the latest versions and it’s working as it should.

    From what I understand, the problem with the “unwanted” updates is that The Events Calendar retired the legacy views in favor of the V2. We take backward compatibility seriously, that’s why when we released the views V2 (in January of 2020) we make this optional for sites already using The Events Calendar. And, since June of 2021 (1 and a half year ago) we started sharing with our customers that we would be retiring the legacy views.

    I understand that change is hard sometimes, we tried our best to clearly communicate these things and it’s something that was planned and we tried to give as much time as possible.

    I also understand your frustration, and that maybe other solutions can be a better fit for you. On the other hand, I don’t feel that makes our products awful or anything similar. We are a team of experienced professionals that, with enthusiasm, try to evolve the products that we build and support them. We’re also human, we can make mistakes, but we try not to.

    The annual fees that our customers are paying for the premium offerings are meant to cover the support and maintenance of all our products. Our products integrate with different other products (such as WooCommerce, or many others), and many other plugins and themes. Technology is constantly evolving and we need to be sure that we’re working on maintaining our products up-to-date with any integration, being compatible with the platform that we’re on, and thinking of new features that would be valuable to our customer base.

    Thank you again for your time.


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