• WordPress has three comment files,
    – wp-comments.php
    – wp-comments-popup.php
    – wp-comments-reply.php that each do similar things and then do an HTTP post to wp-comments-post.php that in turn does some checking of its own and then inserts the comment into the comment table. Are there are plans to consolidate the three “front-end” files into one for easier maintenance? If nothing else the “Form” section could be made into a common function.

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  • The beauty of an open source project is that you can write your own code and submit it as a patch. If the code fits in with the development plan, then it may be adopted into the core.

    Suggestions are always most welcome!

    Perhaps one of the coders can explain why the current files are separated the way they are.

    Thread Starter mainsail


    Agree. I am hacking a fair amount in the code already, especificall in the comment-section. I just don’t want to re-code a section without first knowing if there is a justification for why the code is designed the way it is or if someone is already looking at this.

    You might check out the developer’s mailing list and post a note there.

    wp-comments-reply.php is not used and has been removed in 1.5. The regular comments template has been simplified a bit by moving the setup code into a comments_template() function. Most stuff is not factored out into functions because the comments template are the domain of the user. Moving the forms into functions in wp-includes means the user must hack on core WP files to change the look of those forms.

    Why can’t we ditch the popup version? Does anyone really need that? Then we end up with just one template file. Much better, if you ask me.

    And I agree, the less markup in core functions, the better. Seperation of functionality and template markup is really important!

    “Why can’t we ditch the popup version”

    Rioting in the streets..yep…not a good move ??

    If you don’t want to use the popup version, then don’t. Lots of people like using it, so they would not want to see it go. It’s no effort if you don’t wish to use it. It doesn’t add any complexity or trouble.

    Don’t want popup comments? Don’t use ’em. It’s that simple.

    More importantly…not using popup comments? Simply delete the file from your installation. Now you no longer have to worry about it.


    When did wp-comments-reply become obsolete? Is it still in use for 1.22? Could I delete it from my installation?

    I know it’s probably not doing any harm, I just don’t like clutter. It would also be one less file to edit when trying to thwart spammers by renaming wp-comments-post ??

    NuclearMoose, of course I know I don’t have to use it. But the topic starter was talking about the development perspective. Personally I don’t have issues with it, I send it to /dev/null as soon as I do any new installation.

    On the other hand, pop-ups are really not good practice on the web, and as WP is sensitive to the standards community, I thought the developers might consider removing it altogether. [ Comment moderated. ]

    You can’t equate the misuse of pop-ups by internet sites to web standards. Standards of conduct are not the same as standardization of tools and processes.

    Personally I am quite happy with the current comment system. I’ve never really had too much trouble with spam, (at least compared to others) but then again I’ve went to great lengths to utilize the spam list and a recently installed “trencaspammers” plugin, which works perfectly on 1.5. ??

    There is a confirmed issue with that plugin. It has been compromised so probably shouldn’t be used.

    Well crap. Time to do some searching…

    Well I read through the issue with trencaspammers and was a bit disheartened. I really liked the image validation technique but really don’t like the authimage and gdimage alternatives.

    So the battle of spam wages on…

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