• Resolved jakobword


    First of all, thanks for this essential plugin!

    Today I noticed that the fonts are not displayed correctly in my WordPress-Backend. The font doesn’t seem to “load”.

    After some searching, I found out that the new Wordfence Plugin (7.0) is including the Roboto-Font via style-tag:
    <link rel='stylesheet' id='wordfence-font-css' href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto%3A300%2C300i%2C400%2C400i%2C500%2C500i%2C700%2C700i%2C900%2C900i&ver=7.0.1' type='text/css' media='all' />

    I don’t know why, but this seems to break the font-stack used by the WordPress backend: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/76f590b99bd8f7b1e44df1d1c16b79c8cff2f4e3/wp-admin/css/install.css#L9

    Please consider removing your custom font. Here are some reasons:
    * Performance. If yet another font is loaded, the Backend gets slower and slower.
    * Consistent UI/UX. As a WordPress-User I like the backend and its plugins to look and feel the same. The font-stack used by the WordPress backend is already good enough.
    * Compatibility. Don’t break the existing font-stack in the WordPress backend.

    Thanks for considering my suggestion!

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  • Adding my 2-cents, yes, this constant bloating and complexity of back-end is silly. I just checked out the Wordfence main.css, it unpacks from the enormous 256 kb minified version to 8,882 lines, my hard drive began smoking (kidding)! Like, is this Windows 10 or just a plugin!? But no kidding, all the Roboto fonts are silly (I see it declared 17 times in there, really?). Keep it simple, keep it fast, watch that bandwidth. Not all of us are on fast broadband, and excessive white space just means more scrolling… MTN

    Hi @jakobword
    Can you please share some screenshots showing this issue? I’m not sure I can understand how exactly fonts are broken on your website because another font is loaded?


    Thread Starter jakobword


    Hi @wfalaa

    I uploaded some screenshots and added descriptions:

    View post on imgur.com

    Thanks for taking a look!

    Thread Starter jakobword


    @wfalaa any news on this issue?

    @jakobword sorry for the late reply, are you still having this issue even with the recent version 7.1.0? I’m not able to reproduce this issue at my end, the font stack is the same with Wordfence activated/deactivated:
    font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif;
    and I can’t see any difference regarding the font family in my dashboard, could it be a CSS minification/caching at your end? did you try clearing CSS minify cache if you are using any plugin with that feature?


    Thread Starter jakobword


    @wfalaa yep, still seeing this with 7.1.0 in Chrome 65 and Firefox 60 on Ubuntu 16.04. (I should have mentioned that earlier.)

    Couldn’t reproduce this on Windows 10 width Edge and Chrome.

    I don’t have any idea why this happens on Ubuntu…

    Any chance I can submit a PR to your repository that only enables font-loading if you are on a Wordfence admin page (where the font is actually used)?

    Thread Starter jakobword


    @wfalaa I’m closing this, since the custom font now seems to only be included on Wordfence pages.

    But it would still advise you to remove your custom font and use the WordPress font-stack like every other sane plugin-developer does.

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