Or even this one:
* Change the message "You must allow us to collect and store your data in order for us to process your booking."
* Validates a bookng to ensure consent is/was given.
* @param bool $result
* @param EM_Booking $EM_Booking
* @return bool
function em_snippet_data_privacy_consent_booking_validate( $result, $EM_Booking ){
if( is_user_logged_in() ){
//check if consent was previously given and ignore if settings dictate so
$consent_given_already = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'em_data_privacy_consent', true );
if( !empty( $consent_given_already ) && get_option( 'dbem_data_privacy_consent_remember') == 1 ) return $result; //ignore if consent given as per settings
if( empty( $EM_Booking->booking_meta['consent'] ) ){
$EM_Booking->add_error( sprintf( __( 'PUT_YOUR_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_HERE', 'events-manager' ) ) );
$result = false;
return $result;
function em_snippet_data_privacy_consent_hooks(){
if( get_option( 'dbem_data_privacy_consent_bookings' ) == 1 || ( get_option( 'dbem_data_privacy_consent_bookings' ) == 2 && !is_user_logged_in() ) ){
remove_filter( 'em_booking_validate', 'em_data_privacy_consent_booking_validate', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'em_booking_validate', 'em_snippet_data_privacy_consent_booking_validate', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'init', 'em_snippet_data_privacy_consent_hooks' );