Connection refused warning, but working anyway ?!?
I started using Redis as cache.
It seems that it also works, but I receive the following error:
FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: Redis::connect(): connect() failed: Connection refused in /var/www/html/wp-content/object-cache.php on line 338",
Redis Ibject Cache diagnosis:
PHP Version: 7.1.8-2+0~20170804100723.7+jessie~1.gbpae7f04 Multisite: Nein // No Redis: 3.1.2 Predis: 1.1.1 Status:: Verbunden //Connected Client: PECL Extension (v3.1.2) WP_REDIS_SCHEME: "tcp" WP_REDIS_HOST: "" WP_REDIS_PORT: "6379" WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: "salt" Drop-in: Gültig // valid Globale Pr?fix: "wp_" Blog-Pr?fix: "wp_" Globale Gruppen: ["blog-details","blog-id-cache","blog-lookup","global-posts","networks","rss","sites","site-details","site-lookup","site-options","site-transient","users","useremail","userlogins","usermeta","user_meta","userslugs"] Ignorierte Gruppen: ["counts","plugins"]
Is it a bug or am I missing sth?
If I run redis-cli monitor I see that it’s cached.
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