• I have only just set up a WP blog on a client’s website – I can’t seem to log in – I get an error –

    Username/Password incorrect for admin

    – when trying to upgrade or download new themes.

    I keep getting the notice

    – WordPress 2.8.2 is available! –

    But need the login details in order to get anywhere.

    I am assuming these are:

    Host – localhost
    UN – admin
    Pass – (password assigned)

    that I received initially.

    But it won’t let me in.

    I read somewhere that I needed to make sure the files were owned by the user – but I don’t know how to do this..??

    Help please.

    I am not actually sure what version I am using – where do I find this?

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  • The password would have been given on the screen and also sent to your chosen email id when you first set up wordpress.

    If you can see the 2.8.2 is available then it means you are looking at the dashboard, so the above is not the issue. So if I understand correctly, your are getting the error after click on upgrade and it asks for the credentials – these would be your ftp access un and pw as allocated to the owner by your hosting provider.

    You can find them in cpanel and the welcome email you should have received when signing up for the hosting account.

    I don’t think that’s the answer.

    I’ve just done a fresh install and I can get into the dashboard but I am asked for connection information if I try to add a plug-in.

    Haven’t had that trouble before.

    I am having the same problem, though it is not due to an upgrade of WP, rather it is whenever I try to automatically install a plugin via the WP add plugin panel.

    I have tried several plugins and all return the same problem.

    FTP works fine, but downloading, unzipping, uploading and activating 8 plugins AND then having to upgrade them is an issue.

    New blog at:

    Sorry, new blog at: https://tinyurl.com/lezjlg

    Sorry, once again, last URL not valid. This one is:

    I’m trying to get a new theme but it keep saying wrong user name and pass word>

    Folks, this is a permissions error. I ran into the same problem tonight and after a bit of searching found that I needed to change my root directory (where my installation is held – mine is /var/web/) and all of its contents to www-data via:

    • chown -R www-data:www-data /var/web/

    Once that’s done, to prevent misuse, I set the default permissions back to their original state (giver ownership back the correct user), similar to above:

    • chown -R user:user /var/web/

    Worked for me. Check out the post made by ‘syngadget’ I found at:

    Is there a way to fix this without using shell commands? I don’t know how to access that kind of thing.

    Change the ip address to localhost, work for me. hope it help

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