• when trying to connect post types, in this case “restaurant to coupon”, when i “add connection” the admin box displays all post types including attachments even an “inherit” item as well.

    i’ve used this plugin for years and have not experienced this, does anyone know what would be causing this or perhaps suggest a fix so i just see the post type i’m trying to connect with?

    thanks in advance


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  • Hello unfortunatly I cannot tell you any solution but I am experiencing a similar problem with WP 4.0 and higher with a lot of sites.

    This is a really serious issue even if the Plugin is not developed any further PLEASE fix it.

    Yes, same thing is happening to me now as well. When making a connection, the list shows everything from that same post type, not the type it should be connecting to. Very frustrating…

    Hi everyone!

    I had the same problem and after de removing all plugins and change to twentyfifteen theme, all worked like a charm so I realised that the problem was on my custom theme. I went to my functions and began commenting all the custom functions. Finally I found the problem in a function that excluded pages form the search form on the front. I didn’t limit this function to the front, so it was interfering on some back functions like some in “Posts 2 Posts” plugin. I just added the “if ( ! is_admin() ) {}” conditional and it’s working perfect now!

    Hope it helps.

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