Connecting WordPress to SMF user tables
I apologize if this is the wrong place to put this question, but I was wondering if there was a way to have WordPress pull out of the SMF user tables. I have a good number of SMF users who have registered for my message board but want to limit them having to register twice.
I’m not much of a programmer, so if there was a plug in for either WordPress or SMF that would be great, but so far I hadn’t found anything.
maybe this helps because i was having the exact same.
I added a extra line (sql) in wp-register.php to insert the data in the usertable of smf. Its dirty but works. Downside is that you need to recount statistics in smf to show up latest members etc.
I turned off email verification in smf and added another sql line in profile page alow changing the passwords. Users can however change their passwords in smf and have two different passwords. It wont either login automaticly.
So im awaiting a nice plugin just like they did with gallery2 or somethingI assume then you already didnt have users already setup in SMF when you created WP. I wouldn’t mind this solution if I could import users already setup in SMF.
yeah they both need to have the same id in both tables.
(This is for editing passwords for example.)Actually that isn’t technically true, Slavick. I am currently trying to code a WP/SMF bridge myself since I can’t seem to find one. I’m having limited success so far as I am still learning PHP. Be that as it may, I am not new to programming, so I hopefully will get the job done in the end; it’s a slow process climbing that learning curve again after you’ve been away from coding for some years… ??
Using either SSI.php or smf_api.php (or a combination of both, as required), you can compare the username entered for WP login against the SMF member’s table. Theoretically then, if that particular WP user exists in both tables, simply extract it via sql and use it to do whatever it is you’re attempting. This would also apply to inserting a newly registered user into both the SMF and WP tables or updating a user’s profile information.
CiThanks Ciinien, it’s just I’m so not good with programming. I was really hoping someone had developed a true bridge or plugin with WordPress/SMF.
No worries, Tripp, I just wish I could have been more help. I keep wishing someone who knows what they are doing with PHP, WP, and SMF would have stepped up to the plate at this point as well. Be that as it may, I will struggle along until I get something working — it will just take a while. If and when I do, I’ll be sure to post the bridge for use by the silent minority of us using SMF… ??
CiI havent thought of the ssi area so i may be wrong yes. I boldly just added a query line because for me it made sense. I had problems with the id’s when I used the queries and they didnt matched.
Need to look up ssi mode but would love to have a bridge with smf.
I think we’re not the minority that uses smf, alot of people are using it and I reckon its far better then IPB 2. Glad I didnt purchased a license when knowing you get better. More reasons to come with a bridge between the best forum and blog software!I agree, Slavick, that we can’t be in a minority with SMF. I just started using it 2 months ago and it’s awesome, and my users have actually began posting more and more. Wish I had switched a LONG time ago.
i hope to connect WP and SMF
I would like to connect my WP to my SMF user tables too.
i know anyone like connect WP to SMF! please someone do this! grant god :-S
Well this certainly seems to be becoming a little bit of an underground uprising. ??
I’d love to say that I’m working on an SMF plugin, but I’m not. Well, not exactly.
I’m actually looking to integrate wordpress into another portal/cms environment, that just happens to use SMF for the forum.Recently we used the SMF bridge in conjunction with a couple other files for a seamless integration of coppermine, and with the excellent theme system for WordPress I believe we can seamlessly integrate WordPress as well.
The only problem, comes back down to the user tables and sharing/using them between the two. I’m hoping to be able to either just use the current (non-WordPress) user table, or at least mirror them. I’m also hoping to not need to modify any WordPress files. However, the further I dig into this, the less likely it seems to be the case. Maybe being able to redefine the user variables or something in a my-hack.php file, or redefine them in a bridge file called from the theme index.php file.
If anyone has already experimented with integrating logins and users with a different database table, and can share their experience, that would be great.
I really would like to get this rolling. I’ve already got posts from the blog being pulled, that part was pretty easy (Thanks for: “The Loop”), but now comes the fun part. ??
Thought I’d post an update on this.
This process has been successful.
While there is still some cleanup to do, it’s working very well.
– The basics of it is that the Portal/Forum handles logins, and registrations once you install the plugin.
– If a user exists on the Portal/Forum (SMF) side, and they browse to the blog, it looks for the SMF cookie to be set. If it is, and they do not exist in the WordPress user table, it will automatically create an account for them, and log them in seamlessly.
– Admin’s will be able to do an initial sync of users in the WordPress users table, and add them into the Portal/SMF tables. There is a difference in the way WordPress hashes their passwords as opposed to SMF, but thanks to the SMF team for adding in a backwards compatibility check for their previous system, which just so happens to work great for rehashing WP passwords as a side benefit.
– If a user has an existing WordPress site, they can install the Portal/Forum Packages, then theme it to match their site. Existing SMF users that have been waiting for an integrated option will also be able to do the same.
Now, don’t freak out when you hear portal. The portal can be as little or as much as you would like. You can set it to handle all kinds of things, and if you’d rather have WordPress handle your site, you can simply turn off some features for the portal, and it will look like a standard forum. (For example, turning off all the portal ‘blocks’, etc.
We’ve tested out a lot of themes, and have yet to find one that absolutely didn’t work. Although, there may be a little css tweaking needed.
The way it is displayed in conjunction with WordPress will depend on how you theme the Portal/SMF. Most likely, you will need to do a little work with it, but we will also provide a few modified themes that will work seamlessly on initial installation.
Either way, this works great, and is a VERY simple installation.
Once we make the ‘official’ announcement and the plugin becomes available, I’ll post a link in this thread for anyone that would like to take a peek.
I am very interested in this also if someone could/would keep me updated.
FYI for the person looking for a CMS that has an SMF bridge- AND it templates in xhtml/css wonderfully . . .
Maybe someone who knows code can peek at how that fabulous ModX team bridged the two and apply the same principles to a WP bridge?
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