• Resolved rcpkrc


    Hello, l have two plugins l am using in my wp. l want to connect them each other or make another plugin from two of them with some mods, but l couldnt..

    One: Title rewriter

    Plugin Name: Luke's Default Post Title for WP&micro;
    Plugin URI: https://thunderlounge.com/wordpress/plugins/default-post-title.html
    Description: Set a default post title below, and forget about it.
    Author: Luke Poland
    Author URI: https://thunderlounge.com/
    Version: 1.0
    Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. No warranty expressed or implied is provided.
    if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) {
    	die("I don't think so, Tim.");
    /* -----     -----  USER EDIT AREA  -----     ----- */
    // Replace 'Untitled Post' inside the quotes below with your default post title.
    // If you muck it up, you should learn php. ;)
    $tl_default_title = "Untitled Post";
    function tl_KillBlankPosts($post_title) {
    	global $tl_default_title;
    	// Only touch post titles which are blank
    	if( !empty($post_title) ) {
    		return $post_title;
    	} else {
    		$post_title = $tl_default_title;
    		return $post_title;
    add_filter('title_save_pre', 'tl_KillBlankPosts');

    Two: Post rewriter

    $dic = array(
    " a.m. " => " antemeridian ",
    " Aachen " => " city ",
    $not_replace_list = " ";
    foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
        $not_replace_list = $not_replace_list.$line." ";
    function rewrite_text( $article, $case_sensitive=false ) {
    	global $dic;
    	global $not_replace_list;
    		 $step1 = array("(", ")", "[", "]", "?", ".", ",", "|", "\$", "*", "+", "^","{", "}");
    		 $artarray=str_replace($step1," ",$artarray);
    		 $artarray=str_replace("  "," ",$artarray);
    		$words_artarray = explode(" ",$artarray);
    		if (sizeof($words_artarray)>0)
    			$to_be_replaced=str_replace(" ","",$to_be_replaced);
    				$pos=strpos($not_replace_list, $to_be_replaced);
    			$to_be_replaced=" ".$to_be_replaced." ";
    			if(($to_be_replaced!="")&amp;&amp;($to_be_replaced!=" ")&amp;&amp;($to_be_replaced_with!="")&amp;&amp;($ignore=="no"))
    				$article = str_replace($to_be_replaced,$to_be_replaced_with,$article);
    	return $article;
    function title($title)
    return $title;
    add_filter('the_content', 'rewrite_text', 2);
    add_filter('the_excerpt', 'rewrite_text', 2);
    add_filter('the_title', 'title');

    My question is how can l make a plugin with these plugins that changes the titles of post each time with the keywords giwen in the plugin.

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  • I was hoping someone would have answered you … I love your idea… How are things going … please try to contact me …

    user name [at] gm…com

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