Hi @laksacurry
What you’d need to do is create an ACF View, we’ll call this View “archive item” in there you’d assign from Group $post, “Title with link”, and “Featured image with link” fields, with a small image size. Publish the View. (No need to copy shortcode here)
Then create an ACF Card, we’ll call it “archive grid”, assign your “archive item” View. Use filters as necessary, for e.g. so it shows “gallery archive CTP” post types items. Publish and copy the first shortcode, go to your “Galleries overview” page (the page that should show all archive items). Use the Gutenberg shortcode block or paste directly into the content. Publish the page.
For the Gallery page/post (gallery single) we’ll also create an ACF View, let’s call it “archive details” and then you can again assign the fields “Title”, “Featured image” with image size large (no need for links as we’ll be on the page) and keep adding all the other fields that need to be displayed. Save and copy the shortcode, paste it on the “gallery” page/post to test (but it would be worth while putting the shortcode in your theme’s template file). Fill the fields from your “archive item”. Save that and view the post to see the result. Remember to add some more gallery page/post items at this stage, if there aren’t any.
Visit the Gallery overview page and it should show the gallery single item, or more if there are available. Clicking on either the title or image would go to the details page.
Let me know if that works.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by