Hey @anthonyflibustiers – Jannis here from the team of WP Webhooks.
Creating the product using WP Webhooks is possible. However, depending on what features you’re looking for, there are different ways to structure that.
The most convenient way to create a WooCommerce product is using the “Create post” action from within the “WordPress” integration: https://wp-webhooks.com/integrations/wordpress/actions/create_post/
Since a WooCommerce product is nothing else but a custom post type, you can use the post_type argument to create it as a product.
For more complex setups or exceptional values, you might also want to take a look at the WooCommerce API endpoint within WP Webhooks: https://wp-webhooks.com/integrations/woocommerce/actions/woocommerce_api/
This action integrates with the full power of the WooCommerce API and allows you to integrate features of the WooCommerce Membership and Subscription plugins.
Regarding integrating the WooCommerce payments: I’m not 100% certain in which way you are trying to integrate that with an automation plugin, but if you want to connect payments using WP Webhooks automatically, I’m afraid we do not have any predefined solution available.
However, if you have a developer at hand, you can use our more advanced endpoints (Please see below) to create your very own PHP logic to do that while having all automation features at your fingertips:
Advanced endpoints:
- Fire a do_action hook: https://wp-webhooks.com/integrations/wordpress/actions/wp_fire_do_action_hook/
- Call apply_filters hook: https://wp-webhooks.com/integrations/wordpress/actions/wp_call_apply_filters_hook/
- Call PHP function: https://wp-webhooks.com/integrations/wordpress/actions/wp_call_php_function/
Feel free to let me know in case you have any further questions.