Alright, thank you for your patience.
How comfortable are you with php? If you’re fairly comfy and know how to edit your theme, then you’ll be good to go with what will be below. If you’re not comfortable at all, I’ll find another way to get this managed for you.
What I have below is two different filters that I worked out should do what you need.
The first filter filters for the congrats text meta field that we have set up, and when we’re iterating over the correct field, we add a custom sanitization callback. The default one is what’s causing the html entities. The one provided below allows those to be saved properly. It uses the function.
The second filter filters the end resulting string of markup that gets used for the congrats text on the frontend. Despite it saving properly, it was still getting sanitized on its way to the user, and resulted in html entities as well there. So, we filter the whole string and run it through html_entity_decode() and it works fine. I was getting links to properly link in the congrats text.
Both of these can go into your theme’s functions.php file or they can be turned into a custom plugin, which is what I’ll do if you’re not comfortable with editing php at all.
function oncevision_badgeos_entities_fix( $fields ) {
foreach( $fields as $key => $field ) {
if ( '_badgeos_congratulations_text' == $field['id'] ) {
$fields[ $key ]['escape_cb'] = 'wp_kses_post';
return $fields;
add_filter( 'badgeos_achievement_data_meta_box_fields', 'oncevision_badgeos_entities_fix' );
function oncevision_badgeos_entities_output( $text ) {
return html_entity_decode( $text );
add_filter( 'badgeos_earned_achievement_message', 'oncevision_badgeos_entities_output' );
You can rename the functions to whatever you want, but the hooks should remain the same.
Let me know if this works out to your needs or if it needs tweaked at all.