• I’m having a LOT of problems correctly configuring W3 Total Cache, and, merging it with WPTouch. I’ve been trying to follow the directions on the WPTouch’s user guide, but I have no clue IF I’ve selected the right boxes to check, for each item suggested, or not.

    The FIRST message (from W3 Total Cache) that shows up at the top of my PlugIn Page is the following:

    New Relic is not running correctly. The plugin has detected the following issues:

    PHP module is not enabled.
    PHP agent is not enabled.
    API Key is invalid.
    Account ID is not configured.
    Application ID is not configured. Enter/Select application name.
    License key could not be detected.
    Please review the settings.

    A couple of weeks ago, when I first saw this message, I went to New Relic, signed up for their free service, and was immediately faced with choices I didn’t understand. Eventually found their forum, a nice woman told me I was basically in the wrong place. The “New Relic” system is designed for BIG companies and their infrastructure.

    Keeping with the rules of one topic per post, I’ll limit my question to the above—-how do I implement those things, if I don’t really need, (or understand), New Relic?

    Several of the “do this next” W3 Total Cache (and WP Touch) instructions, flow from, or are dependent on, the success of answering that first major group of errors/requirements. I’ll have to ask those questions after I get this first thing resolved.

    Thanks for your help


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