• Hiya,
    Didn’t know if this was the right place to post, but it may be… ??
    I’ve just installed WordPress (hooray!) and I’m confused as to how certain things work.
    Firstly, some blogs have a “.XML” as the feed, WordPress has a “.PHP” as it’s feed.
    What is the difference between them? Is there are advantages/disadvantages between them and can they co-exist in WordPress if one is suited to a job than the other.
    Which ‘may’ go to my next question…
    Suppose today I entered “Wibble Wobble 10/11/2004 12:11:54” it’s a pretty exact phrase, maybe unique in the world!
    Now, after some weeks have passed, if I did a search for the exact phrase, would a search engine find me, and if so, how does wordpress recall this information if the phrase is held in a MySQL database? I’m confused over how people’s blogs can be searchable for so many months, if not years.
    Apologies over the what may be easy questions, but I’m totally new to all this… ??

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  • Long answers needed here ??
    Second part: When Google crawls your site, it checks for every link it can find, and gathers it’s info. Because WP is dynamic in how it serves pages (that is they exist ‘virtually’ in a way) WP shows each page to Google and it appears just as you saw it.
    Using ‘nicer urls’ (permalinks) helps this process.
    Google thinks you have all these static pages, whereas we know they are served up as pages only when they are requested.
    Either way, Google knows all, and when someone looks for Wibble Wobble, and clicks on your link, WP gathers all the info it needs, sticks it together and shows a page.
    First part: I don’t think there is a difference worth any noise. The .php file just again creates the feed when it is asked for. As for how an .xml file is made … hmm…. dunno ??

    >> WordPress has a “.PHP”
    Yes, a XML feed created by a php page ?? That’s all.
    >>would a search engine find me, and if so, how does wordpress recall this information if the phrase is held in a MySQL database?
    When the searchbot comes, he asks for the *pages* themselves, and the blog system feeds the pages with the mysql datas.. So it’s transparent for the bot.

    Thread Starter jmhirst


    Brilliant, cheers for the answers, that’s kinda all answered the confusion over Permalinks as I couldn’t get my head round them.
    OK, finally installation question (well for now I think!!)
    I’ve installed everything into a subdirectory on my main site. Are there any potential problems if I moved everything from the subdirectory into my main directory, and, is this a simple move or would I need to do a reinstall and/or change any settings.
    The reason why I want to do this is that I’d sooner have https://www.jasonmhirst.co.uk to show the blog, rather than having https://www.jasonmhirst.co.uk/blog/
    Thanks again, wasn’t expecting such a quick response..!!

    2 information to change in the options via admin pannel / DB directly, where you had to give the path.

    Thread Starter jmhirst


    MANY thanks again, really appreciate it…
    Right, wish me luck I’m going in….

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