• I am unclear about the process. Okay, I am almost clueless.
    Permissions: I will only have “guests” – no login/no other admin.

    I need a basic how-to make a puzzle.

    Sorry this is so long! I want see, to compare, what I am doing wrong – after I get the correct steps.

    1). What are the steps to create a puzzle?

    This is what I did, it is totally wrong:
    – create and name a Project.
    – create a Page.
    – put both (2) “build” shortcodes on the new Page.
    – ignore dropdown that defaults on “Riddle”.
    – add word list in the “describe which words…” box.
    – pick level from dropdown.
    – enter each word into empty puzzle box.
    – hit button to fill in letters.
    – circle/mark the words.
    —–then notice————————————————-
    – I do not know how to name the puzzle.
    – I do not know how to save the puzzle.
    – a second set to create a puzzle has loaded when I reloaded the Page. And both puzzle makers are blank. (I lost what I did)

    2). Before I make puzzles: Do I create one page to make the puzzles – reuse it – and hide it from users?

    3). What else should I do before I make a puzzle?
    for example:
    – Create a project
    – Create a Page
    – Put “build” shortcodes on the Page…?
    4). Where do you add/edit Riddles?

    Please just provide me with the correct “how to make a puzzle” information. You do not need to put my text in your response, nor address each question separately.

    Thank you.


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  • Plugin Author ccprog


    You are not that far off. For your case, the appropriate procedure would be this.


    1. Administrative page, Options tab: Make sure that the role of your account has full editing rights.
    2. Administrative page, Projects and editors tab: Create a project and add yourself to the list of full project editors.

    Crossword design:

    1. Create a private page with the shortcode and mode=”build”.
    2. Go to that page, fill in the crossword and mark the words to be found. Choose the coloring for the marks. Adjust the size of the crossword to your needs by dragging the handles.
    3. You can give a description in the text box at your discretion. That does not mean listing the words to be found, but a descriptive text, for example “You have to find the names of all planets in the solar system”.
    4. If you want your readers to see a list of the words to be found, choose level 1 or 2.
    5. Choose “Save…” from the dropdown menu.
    6. In the form that pops up (see Screenshot no.3), fill in the name of the puzzle and, if you want to, your name as the copyright holder.
    7. You can now hit the “Save” button. (If this was a public page and you were not logged in, you would be prompted to fill in your Username/Password first.)


    1. Create a public page with the shortcode and mode=”solve”.

    More crosswords:

    1. You can reuse the private page to make more puzzles in the same project.
    2. If you want to organise your crosswords in multiple projects, you need a separate crossword area for each one. If you don’t want to start a new page, there is no reason why you can’t have multiple shortcodes in one page.
    3. If you want your readers to see one crossword at a time, add name=”…” to the shortcode on the public page.
    4. If you want them to see all crosswords grouped in a project in on place, leave off the name. They will then be able to choose them all from the dropdown menu.
    Thread Starter Toni


    Excellent! I shall be making puzzles for my ESL students. I appreciate the quick response. The N works fine too.

    Happy holidays!

    May I ask for a little help too? I have the full edit rights and logged in as Administrator, but when I click on the button “Save” in a pop-up menu I see only red line “You do not have permission” and the riddle still unsaved. What I do wrong?

    Thread Starter Toni


    Oh! You should start a new thread/question for that. I did not have that problem.
    My first question would be this…
    Did you do #2?:

    1.)Administrative page, Options tab: Make sure that the role of your account has full editing rights.
    2.) Administrative page, Projects and editors tab: Create a project and add yourself to the list of full project editors.

    Yes, dear Toni!
    I did the first step as administrator, editor, author.
    I did the second step, created the project “MyProject” and moved my account name from the right block to the left. All actions have been saved.
    I took the short code [crosswordsearch mode=”build” project=”MyProject” name=””] to the new custom upublished page and made the riddle. After clicking on “Save” saw “you do not have permission”… the same one appears with other shortcodes to build the riddle. ((( So, I can build it but cannot save with or without name/author.

    And another trouble… before the page is fuly loaded, for a few seconds I see two red lines –


    and one more below –

    Don’t try to be clever!

    I really have no idea what I do wrong. The plugin has been reinstalled, but the problem still there.



    this I see on the Assign porjects and editors for 1-2 seconds. Then the page is fully loaded and looks pretty correct. But I am not sure everything is OK.

    And once again about private page to build the puzzle.

    before it’s fully loaded it looks like that –



    Describe which words should be found:

    Dont’t try to be clever!

    Select a difficulty level:
    Word directions: only to the right and down, any, including the diagonals and backwards,
    List of words that should be found: visible before found hidden before found
    Fill in the the letters and mark the words:

    {{word.fields | joinWord}} (from line {{word.start.y + 1}}, column {{word.start.x + 1}} {{localize(word.direction)}})

    Does anyone else see this during the load process?

    Plugin Author ccprog


    If you see some strange strings with lots of double curly braces: that is the behind-the-scenes template code before AngularJs initialises the plugin. It is no sign that things are not working, only that your browser is still waiting for resources or busy with other parts of the page.

    It was an oversight on my side to underestimate loading times, and I am in the process of replacing this behaviour with a better message for users. Please be patient for a few days, the next release with an appropriate fix will appear sometimes during the next week.

    Regarding your saving troubles: your description does not mention whether you were asked for your username/password in the saving form. Could you please describe the complete sequence of steps you took, including logging in/out of your website, even if it is happening in multiple tabs or windows?

    Oh, I’ll try.
    So, after installing and activating the plugin, being logged into my administration account, I do the next step-by-step:
    1. on the Settings>CrosswordSearch Administration>Options – I take full rights for Administrator, Editor, Author and save it. All contributors/subscribers are set to none.
    2. on Assign projects and editors I create a new project, give the name and level and save it. Then ad the editors with full rights – from right box move my name (it’s already there to the left box and save it.
    3. Create a new page which is not assigned to any menu of my site and nobody but only me can see it. In the visual mode I ad the shortcode [crosswordsearch mode=”build” project=”Name of the project” name=””] , publish it and go to the page in browser.
    4. In the first dropbox (is it OK if I see the dancing arrows instead one pointed down?) I take “New” but still see “Riddle”
    5. in the text box below input the words separated with comma.
    6. Set the difficulty level 4.
    7. Place the words into the field and mark them. I can see the words appear lower the game field and can choose the color or send it the the trash.
    8. After it I fill the empty squares using the left button at the bottom. So, it’s done and need to be saved.
    9. I go up to the first drop-box and take “save” or “save as” it doesn’t matter in my case.
    10. Add the riddle’s name in the first space and author name (or leave it empty – equal result).
    11. The System do not ask me to log-in because I am already working in my account. But after I click “Save” I see every time the same “You do not have permission.
    I did try different shortcodes to build the puzzle and each time the same result.
    What do I miss in this sequence?
    Thank you very much for your help and sorry for the trouble.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Currently I can’t recreate your error. Now it’s my time to be mystified…

    The error message you’re seeing is the result of failing at least one of four tests:

    • Is the user logged in or did he send username/password for an existing account?
    • Did the request for saving come from the page that displays the crossword building area?
    • Is the user’s role enabled as a full editor?
    • Is the user a registered full editor for the project he is trying to save to?

    Which of those tests failed is normally not transmitted back to the browser for security reasons. There is a debug mode that would reveal more, but I strongly recommend not to use that on a public web page. I suppose you do not have a WordPress test install somewhere that is completely private or on a domain that nobody knows about? (I mean the complete WordPress install, not that one private page.)

    Another way to have a deeper look at things would be to snoop on the network communication with the built-in debuging tools of your browser. Which one do you use?

    I am so sorry…
    – I am logged in to work on the site as Administrator. This is the only way to build the site in online mode.
    – I request the saving from the same page I build the crossword.
    – I have enabled Full Rights for Administrator, Editor and Author ( I am Administrator and logged in)
    – I am registered full rights editor…

    I can copy the site to my virtual MAMP server or I can put the site on Maintenance Mode for debugging, but I am not an IT person, sorry. Hope my XCode6 has these debugging tools, but I never use them.

    I think that problem is somewhere in the settings pages… After I save the Options and Projects/full rights no one project appears at the Review Riddles in Projects tab. And they have to be there even if they are empty. So, it looks like saving doesn’t work already on Assign Projects and rights tab.

    Plugin Author ccprog


    Ok, let’s follow up on this:

    • on the Assign projects and editors tab, do you see the project name in the list? When it is selected, does the name of your Administrator account appear in the Full project editors list?
    • on the Review riddles in projects tab, do you see the project name in the left-hand “Projects” list? The other two list will probably be empty.

    If any of those answers is ‘no’, we’re geting somewhere, even if it might be technical trouble.

    So you say you have worked with MAMP. Did you ever use the phpMyAdmin tool (or SequelPro) included there? It’s for looking at the backend database tables. Do you know whether your web hoster also provides a tool like this? That might be a place to check for something.

    In the easiest case, if you navigate your browser to <the main address of my web page>/phpmyadmin, a login page shows up.

    Yes, there is the only one NO – I do not see the project only on Review tab where it should appear after saving in Assign tab. Other places show the information correctly.
    I have phpMyAdmin tools on my hosting and I can access it from my cPanel easy. What exactly have I search for?

    Plugin Author ccprog


    1. After loging into the database, please check the server information. In the left-hand panel, there is a “Home” button. If you press it, you should see some informational panels on the right hand side. Under “Database server”, what does it say for Server type and Server version?
    2. On the left hand side, click the link for the database holding the WordPress tables. In the informational table appearing in the right hand side, look for the entries for the three tables “wp_crw_crosswords”, “wp_crw_editors” and “wp_crw_projects”. What does it say in the column Type?
    3. Click on the link for “wp_crw_editors” and select the tab “Structure”. Two lines below the table shown there should be a small link Relation view Is it there? If you click it, you will see another table. In the line “project”, is there something entered in the column Foreign key constraint? It should look like '<database name>'.'wp_crw_projects'.'project' with some detail informations in the line below.
    4. Please check for the same in the table “wp_crw_crosswords”

      If the answer to no. 2 is anything else but “InnoDB”, it would be helpfull if you went back to the home page and looked at the tab Engines. In this case, please copy the complete content of the left column in the table appearing.

      Sorry for the amount of work I’m loading onto your plate. Let’s hope the result is worth the effort.

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